@@ -4,30 +4,11 @@ Changelog
4.2 (xx.xx.xxxx) - IN DEVELOPMENT
- * Add custom permissions section to permissions documentation page (Dan Hayden)
- * Remove unsquashed `testapp` migrations (Matt Westcott)
* Switch to using Willow instead of Pillow for images (Darrel O'Pry)
- * Add documentation for how to get started with contributing translations for the Wagtail admin (Ogunbanjo Oluwadamilare)
- * Upgrade to Node 18 for frontend build tooling (LB (Ben) Johnston)
- * Officially recommend `fnm` over `nvm` in development documentation (LB (Ben) Johnston)
* Test assertion util `WagtailPageTestCase.assertCanCreate` now supports the kwarg `publish=True` to check publish redirection (Harry Percival, Akua Dokua Asiedu)
- * Mention the importance of passing `request` and `current_site` to `get_url` on the [performance](performance) documentation page (Jake Howard)
- * Run Python tests with coverage and upload coverage data to codecov (Sage Abdullah)
- * Clean up duplicate JavaScript for the `escapeHtml` function (Jordan Rob)
- * Add documentation for `register_user_listing_buttons` hook (LB (Ben Johnston))
- * Clean up Prettier & Eslint usage for search promotions formset JS file (LB (Ben Johnston))
- * Ensure that translation file generation ignores JavaScript unit tests and clean up unit tests for Django gettext utils (LB (Ben Johnston))
- * Migrated `initButtonSelects` from core.js to own TypesScript file and add unit tests (Loveth Omokaro)
- * Migrated `initSkipLink` util to TypeScript and add JSDoc & unit tests (Juliet Adeboye)
- * Clean up some unused utility classes and migrate `unlist` to Tailwind utility class `w-list-none` (Loveth Omokaro)
* Ensure that the `rebuild_references_index` command can run without console output if called with `--verbosity 0` (Omerzahid Ali, Aman Pandey)
- * Add development (contributing to Wagtail) documentation notes for development on Windows (Akua Dokua Asiedu)
- * Clean up linting on legacy code and add shared util `hasOwn` in TypeScript (Loveth Omokaro)
- * Remove unnecessary box-sizing: border-box declarations in SCSS (Albina Starykova)
* Add full support for secondary buttons with icons in the Wagtail design system - `button bicolor button--icon button-secondary` including the `button-small` variant (Seremba Patrick)
- * Migrated `initTooltips` to TypeScript add JSDoc and unit tests (Fatuma Abdullahi)
* Add `purge_embeds` management command to delete all the cached embed objects in the database (Aman Pandey)
- * Migrated `initTagField` from core.js to own TypesScript file and add unit tests (Chisom Okeoma)
* Fix: Make sure workflow timeline icons are visible in high-contrast mode (Loveth Omokaro)
* Fix: Ensure authentication forms (login, password reset) have a visible border in Windows high-contrast mode (Loveth Omokaro)
* Fix: Ensure visual consistency between buttons and links as buttons in Windows high-contrast mode (Albina Starykova)
@@ -43,6 +24,25 @@ Changelog
* Fix: Ensure there is a visual difference of 'active/current link' vs normal links in Windows high-contrast mode (Mohammad Areeb)
* Fix: Avoid issues where trailing whitespace could be accidentally removed in translations for new page & snippet headers (Florian Vogt)
* Fix: Make sure minimap error indicators follow the minimap scrolling (Thibaud Colas)
+ * Docs: Add custom permissions section to permissions documentation page (Dan Hayden)
+ * Docs: Add documentation for how to get started with contributing translations for the Wagtail admin (Ogunbanjo Oluwadamilare)
+ * Docs: Officially recommend `fnm` over `nvm` in development documentation (LB (Ben) Johnston)
+ * Docs: Mention the importance of passing `request` and `current_site` to `get_url` on the performance documentation page (Jake Howard)
+ * Docs: Add documentation for `register_user_listing_buttons` hook (LB (Ben Johnston))
+ * Docs: Add development (contributing to Wagtail) documentation notes for development on Windows (Akua Dokua Asiedu)
+ * Maintenance: Remove unsquashed `testapp` migrations (Matt Westcott)
+ * Maintenance: Upgrade to Node 18 for frontend build tooling (LB (Ben) Johnston)
+ * Maintenance: Run Python tests with coverage and upload coverage data to codecov (Sage Abdullah)
+ * Maintenance: Clean up duplicate JavaScript for the `escapeHtml` function (Jordan Rob)
+ * Maintenance: Clean up Prettier & Eslint usage for search promotions formset JS file (LB (Ben Johnston))
+ * Maintenance: Ensure that translation file generation ignores JavaScript unit tests and clean up unit tests for Django gettext utils (LB (Ben Johnston))
+ * Maintenance: Migrated `initButtonSelects` from core.js to own TypesScript file and add unit tests (Loveth Omokaro)
+ * Maintenance: Migrated `initSkipLink` util to TypeScript and add JSDoc & unit tests (Juliet Adeboye)
+ * Maintenance: Clean up some unused utility classes and migrate `unlist` to Tailwind utility class `w-list-none` (Loveth Omokaro)
+ * Maintenance: Clean up linting on legacy code and add shared util `hasOwn` in TypeScript (Loveth Omokaro)
+ * Maintenance: Remove unnecessary box-sizing: border-box declarations in SCSS (Albina Starykova)
+ * Maintenance: Migrated `initTooltips` to TypeScript add JSDoc and unit tests (Fatuma Abdullahi)
+ * Maintenance: Migrated `initTagField` from core.js to own TypeScript file and add unit tests (Chisom Okeoma)
4.1.1 (11.11.2022)