@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-JavaScript coding guidelines
-Write JavaScript according to the `Airbnb Styleguide <https://github.com/airbnb/javascript>`_, with some exceptions:
-- Use `Prettier <https://prettier.io/>`_ for all formatting considerations.
-- We accept ``snake_case`` in object properties, such as
- ``ajaxResponse.page_title``, however camelCase or UPPER_CASE should be used
- everywhere else.
-Linting and formatting code
-Wagtail uses `ESLint <https://eslint.org/>`_ and `Prettier <https://prettier.io/>`_.
-You'll need Node and npm on your development machine.
-Ensure project dependencies are installed by running ``npm install --no-save``.
-Linting code
-.. code-block:: console
- $ npm run lint:js
-This will lint all the JS in the wagtail project, excluding vendor
-files and compiled libraries.
-Some of the modals are generated via server-side scripts. These include
-template tags that upset the linter, so modal workflow JavaScript is
-excluded from the linter.
-Formatting code
-For Prettier auto-formatting, run:
-.. code-block:: console
- $ npm run format
-If you want to autofix linting errors:
-.. code-block:: console
- $ npm run lint:js -- --fix
-This will perform safe edits to conform your JS code to the styleguide.
-It won't touch the line-length, or convert quotemarks from double to single.
-Run the linter after you've formatted the code to see what manual fixes
-you need to make to the codebase.
-Changing the linter configuration
-The configuration for the linting rules is managed in an external
-repository so that it can be easily shared across other Wagtail projects
-or plugins. This configuration can be found at
-`eslint-config-wagtail <https://github.com/wagtail/eslint-config-wagtail>`_.