@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+The TableBlock module provides an HTML table block type for StreamField. This module uses `handsontable <https://handsontable.com/>`_ to provide users with the ability to create and edit HTML tables in Wagtail.
+.. image:: ../../_static/images/screen40_table_block.png
+Add ``"wagtail.contrib.table_block"`` to your INSTALLED_APPS:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ ...
+ "wagtail.contrib.table_block",
+ ]
+Basic Usage
+After installation the TableBlock module can be used in a similar fashion to other StreamField blocks in the Wagtail core.
+Just import the TableBlock ``from wagtail.contrib.table_block.fields import TableBlock`` and add it to your StreamField declaration.
+ .. code-block:: python
+ class DemoStreamBlock(StreamBlock):
+ ...
+ table = TableBlock()
+Advanced Usage
+Default Configuration
+When defining a TableBlock, Wagtail provides the ability to pass an optional ``table_options`` dictionary. The default TableBlock dictionary looks like this:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ default_table_options = {
+ 'minSpareRows': 0,
+ 'startRows': 3,
+ 'startCols': 3,
+ 'colHeaders': False,
+ 'rowHeaders': False,
+ 'contextMenu': True,
+ 'editor': 'text',
+ 'stretchH': 'all',
+ 'height': 108,
+ 'language': language,
+ 'renderer': 'text',
+ 'autoColumnSize': False,
+ }
+Configuration Options
+Every key in the ``table_options`` dictionary maps to a `handsontable <https://handsontable.com/>`_ option. These settings can be changed to alter the behaviour of tables in Wagtail. The following options are available:
+* `minSpareRows <https://docs.handsontable.com/0.24.3/Options.html#minSpareRows>`_ - The number of rows to append to the end of an empty grid. The default setting is 0.
+* `startRows <https://docs.handsontable.com/0.24.3/Options.html#startRows>`_ - The default number of rows for a new table.
+* `startCols <https://docs.handsontable.com/0.24.3/Options.html#startCols>`_ - The default number of columns for new tables.
+* `colHeaders <https://docs.handsontable.com/0.24.3/Options.html#colHeaders>`_ - Can be set to ``True`` or ``False``. This setting designates if new tables should be created with column rows. **Note:** this only sets the behaviour for newly created tables. Page editors can override this by checking the the “Column header” checkbox in the table editor in the Wagtail admin.
+* `rowHeaders <https://docs.handsontable.com/0.24.3/Options.html#rowHeaders>`_ - Operates the same as colHeaders to designate if new tables should be created with the first row as a header. Just like colHeaders this option can be overridden by the page editor in the Wagtail admin.
+* `contextMenu <https://docs.handsontable.com/0.24.3/Options.html#contextMenu>`_ - Enables or disables the handsontable right-click menu. By default this is set to ``True``.
+* `editor <https://docs.handsontable.com/0.24.3/Options.html#editor>`_ - Defines the editor used for table cells. The default setting is text.
+* `stretchH <https://docs.handsontable.com/0.24.3/Options.html#stretchH>`_ - Sets the default horizontal resizing of tables. Options include, 'none', 'last', and 'all'. By default TableBlock uses 'all' for the even resizing of columns.
+* `height <https://docs.handsontable.com/0.24.3/Options.html#height>`_ - The default height of the grid. By default TableBlock sets the height to ``108`` for the optimal appearance of new tables in the editor. This is optimized for tables with ``startRows`` set to ``3``. If you change the number of startRows in the configuration you might need to change the ``height`` setting to improve the default appearence in the editor.
+* `language <https://docs.handsontable.com/0.24.3/Options.html#language>`_ - The default language setting. By default TableBlock tries to get the language from ``django.utils.translation.get_language``. If needed, this setting can be overridden here.
+* `renderer <https://docs.handsontable.com/0.24.3/Options.html#renderer>`_ - The default setting handsontable uses to render the content of table cells.
+* `autoColumnSize <https://docs.handsontable.com/0.24.3/Options.html#autoColumnSize>`_ - Enables or disables the autoColumnSize plugin. The TableBlock default setting is ``False``.
+A `complete list of handsontable options <https://docs.handsontable.com/0.24.3/Options.html>`_ can be found on the handsontable website.
+Changing the default table_options
+To change the default table options just pass a new table_options dictionary when a new TableBlock is declared.
+ .. code-block:: python
+ new_table_options = {
+ 'minSpareRows': 0,
+ 'startRows': 6,
+ 'startCols': 4,
+ 'colHeaders': False,
+ 'rowHeaders': False,
+ 'contextMenu': True,
+ 'editor': 'text',
+ 'stretchH': 'all',
+ 'height': 216,
+ 'language': 'en',
+ 'renderer': 'text',
+ 'autoColumnSize': False,
+ }
+ class DemoStreamBlock(StreamBlock):
+ ...
+ table = TableBlock(table_options=new_table_options)