@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
import axe from 'axe-core';
+import { dialog } from '../../includes/dialog';
// This entrypoint is not bundled with any polyfills to keep it as light as possible
// Please stick to old JS APIs and avoid importing anything that might require a vendored module
// More background can be found in webpack.config.js
@@ -270,6 +272,9 @@ class Userbar extends HTMLElement {
+ // Integrating Axe accessibility checker to improve ATAG compliance, adapted for content authors to identify and fix accessibility issues.
+ // Scans loaded page for errors with 3 initial rules ('empty-heading', 'p-as-heading', 'heading-order') and outputs the results in GUI.
+ // See documentation: https://github.com/dequelabs/axe-core/tree/develop/doc
getAxeConfiguration() {
const script = this.shadowRoot.getElementById(
@@ -282,7 +287,7 @@ class Userbar extends HTMLElement {
- // If the config fails to load, we won’t initialise Axe.
+ // Skip initialization of Axe if config fails to load
return null;
@@ -302,25 +307,125 @@ class Userbar extends HTMLElement {
+ // Initialise Axe based on the configurable context (whole page body by default) and options ('empty-heading', 'p-as-heading' and 'heading-order' rules by default)
const results = await axe.run(config.context, config.options);
- // draft UI output for testing purposes
+ const a11yErrorsNumber = results.violations.reduce(
+ (sum, violation) => sum + violation.nodes.length,
+ 0,
+ );
if (results.violations.length) {
- const axeCount = document.createElement('div');
- axeCount.textContent = results.violations.length;
- axeCount.classList.add('w-userbar-axe-count');
- this.trigger.appendChild(axeCount);
- const showAxeResults = () => {
- results.violations.forEach((violation) => {
- const annotation = document.createElement('div');
- annotation.textContent =
- config.messages[violation.id] || violation.description;
- accessibilityTrigger.appendChild(annotation);
- });
- };
- accessibilityTrigger.addEventListener('click', showAxeResults);
+ const a11yErrorBadge = document.createElement('span');
+ a11yErrorBadge.textContent = a11yErrorsNumber;
+ a11yErrorBadge.classList.add('w-userbar-axe-count');
+ this.trigger.appendChild(a11yErrorBadge);
+ const dialogtemplates = document.querySelectorAll('[data-wagtail-dialog]');
+ const dialogs = dialog(dialogtemplates, this.shadowRoot);
+ if (!dialogs.length) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const modal = dialogs[0];
+ const modalBody = modal.$el.querySelector('[data-dialog-body]');
+ const accessibilityResultsBox = this.shadowRoot.querySelector(
+ '#accessibility-results',
+ );
+ const a11yRowTemplate = this.shadowRoot.querySelector(
+ '#w-a11y-result-row-template',
+ );
+ const a11ySelectorTemplate = this.shadowRoot.querySelector(
+ '#w-a11y-result-selector-template',
+ );
+ const modalErrorBadge = document.createElement('span');
+ modalErrorBadge.setAttribute('data-a11y-result-count', '');
+ modalErrorBadge.classList.add('w-a11y-result__count');
+ const headerElement = modal.$el.querySelector('.w-dialog__subtitle');
+ headerElement.appendChild(modalErrorBadge);
+ // Solution for future refactoring to move badges to Django template
+ const innerErrorBadges = this.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll(
+ '[data-a11y-result-count]',
+ );
+ innerErrorBadges.forEach((badge) => {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ badge.textContent = a11yErrorsNumber || '0';
+ if (results.violations.length) {
+ badge.classList.add('has-errors');
+ } else {
+ badge.classList.remove('has-errors');
+ }
+ });
+ const showAxeResults = () => {
+ modal.show();
+ modalBody.innerHTML = '';
+ if (results.violations.length) {
+ results.violations.forEach((violation, violationIndex) => {
+ modalBody.appendChild(a11yRowTemplate.content.cloneNode(true));
+ const currentA11yRow = modalBody.querySelectorAll(
+ '[data-a11y-result-row]',
+ )[violationIndex];
+ const a11yErrorName = currentA11yRow.querySelector(
+ '[data-a11y-result-name]',
+ );
+ a11yErrorName.id = `w-a11y-result__name-${violationIndex}`;
+ // Display custom error messages for rules supported by Wagtail out of the box, fallback to default error message from Axe
+ a11yErrorName.textContent =
+ config.messages[violation.id] || violation.help;
+ const a11yErrorCount = currentA11yRow.querySelector(
+ '[data-a11y-result-count]',
+ );
+ a11yErrorCount.textContent = violation.nodes.length;
+ const a11yErrorContainer = currentA11yRow.querySelector(
+ '[data-a11y-result-container]',
+ );
+ violation.nodes.forEach((node, nodeIndex) => {
+ a11yErrorContainer.appendChild(
+ a11ySelectorTemplate.content.cloneNode(true),
+ );
+ const currentA11ySelector = a11yErrorContainer.querySelectorAll(
+ '[data-a11y-result-selector]',
+ )[nodeIndex];
+ currentA11ySelector.setAttribute(
+ 'aria-describedby',
+ a11yErrorName.id,
+ );
+ // Remove unnecessary details before displaying selectors to the user
+ currentA11ySelector.textContent = `${node.target}`.replace(
+ /\[data-block-key="\w{5}"\]/,
+ '',
+ );
+ currentA11ySelector.addEventListener('click', () => {
+ const inaccessibleElement = document.querySelector(node.target);
+ inaccessibleElement.style.scrollMargin = '6.25rem';
+ inaccessibleElement.scrollIntoView({
+ behavior: 'smooth',
+ });
+ inaccessibleElement.focus();
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ const toggleAxeResults = () => {
+ if (accessibilityResultsBox.getAttribute('aria-hidden') === 'true') {
+ showAxeResults();
+ } else {
+ modal.hide();
+ }
+ };
+ accessibilityTrigger.addEventListener('click', toggleAxeResults);