@@ -1,18 +1,14 @@
# Page models
-Each page type (a.k.a. content type) in Wagtail is represented by a Django model. All page models must inherit from the :class:`wagtail.core.models.Page` class.
+Each page type (a.k.a. content type) in Wagtail is represented by a Django model. All page models must inherit from the {class}`wagtail.core.models.Page` class.
As all page types are Django models, you can use any field type that Django provides. See [Model field reference](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/ref/models/fields/) for a complete list of field types you can use. Wagtail also provides `wagtail.core.fields.RichTextField` which provides a WYSIWYG editor for editing rich-text content.
-.. note::
- If you're not yet familiar with Django models, have a quick look at the following links to get you started:
+If you're not yet familiar with Django models, have a quick look at the following links to get you started:
- * :ref:`Creating models <django:creating-models>`
- * :doc:`Model syntax <django:topics/db/models>`
+* {ref}`Creating models <django:creating-models>`
+* {doc}`Model syntax <django:topics/db/models>`
## An example Wagtail page model
@@ -84,10 +80,8 @@ class BlogPageRelatedLink(Orderable):
-.. note::
- Ensure that none of your field names are the same as your class names. This will cause errors due to the way Django handles relations (`read more <https://github.com/wagtail/wagtail/issues/503>`_). In our examples we have avoided this by appending "Page" to each model name.
+Ensure that none of your field names are the same as your class names. This will cause errors due to the way Django handles relations ([read more](https://github.com/wagtail/wagtail/issues/503)). In our examples we have avoided this by appending "Page" to each model name.
## Writing page models
@@ -135,34 +129,27 @@ Here's a summary of the `EditHandler` classes that Wagtail provides out of the b
These allow editing of model fields. The `FieldPanel` class will choose the correct widget based on the type of the field, such as a rich text editor for `RichTextField`, or an image chooser for a `ForeignKey` to an image model. `FieldPanel` also provides a page chooser interface for `ForeignKey`s to page models, but for more fine-grained control over which page types can be chosen, `PageChooserPanel` provides additional configuration options.
-- :class:`~wagtail.admin.edit_handlers.FieldPanel`
-- :class:`~wagtail.admin.edit_handlers.PageChooserPanel`
+- {class}`~wagtail.admin.edit_handlers.FieldPanel`
+- {class}`~wagtail.admin.edit_handlers.PageChooserPanel`
-.. versionchanged:: 2.17
- Previously, certain field types required special-purpose panels: ``StreamFieldPanel``, ``ImageChooserPanel``, ``DocumentChooserPanel`` and ``SnippetChooserPanel``. These are now all handled by ``FieldPanel``.
+```{versionchanged} 2.17
+Previously, certain field types required special-purpose panels: `StreamFieldPanel`, `ImageChooserPanel`, `DocumentChooserPanel` and `SnippetChooserPanel`. These are now all handled by `FieldPanel`.
These are used for structuring fields in the interface.
-- :class:`~wagtail.admin.edit_handlers.MultiFieldPanel`
-- :class:`~wagtail.admin.edit_handlers.InlinePanel`
-- :class:`~wagtail.admin.edit_handlers.FieldRowPanel`
+- {class}`~wagtail.admin.edit_handlers.MultiFieldPanel`
+- {class}`~wagtail.admin.edit_handlers.InlinePanel`
+- {class}`~wagtail.admin.edit_handlers.FieldRowPanel`
#### Customising the page editor interface
The page editor can be customised further. See [Customising the editing interface](/advanced_topics/customisation/page_editing_interface).
-.. _page_type_business_rules:
### Parent page / subpage type rules
These two attributes allow you to control where page types may be used in your site. It allows you to define rules like "blog entries may only be created under a blog index".
@@ -176,9 +163,7 @@ By default, any page type can be created under any page type and it is not neces
Setting `parent_page_types` to an empty list is a good way of preventing a particular page type from being created in the editor interface.
-.. _page_urls:
### Page URLs
The most common method of retrieving page URLs is by using the `{% pageurl %}` template tag. Since it's called from a template, `pageurl` automatically includes the optimizations mentioned below. For more information, see [pageurl](pageurl_tag).
@@ -204,9 +189,7 @@ super().get_url_parts(*args, **kwargs)
While you could pass only the `request` keyword argument, passing all arguments as-is ensures compatibility with any
future changes to these method signatures.
-For more information, please see :meth:`wagtail.core.models.Page.get_url_parts`.
+For more information, please see {meth}`wagtail.core.models.Page.get_url_parts`.
#### Obtaining URLs for page instances
@@ -215,15 +198,11 @@ The `Page.get_url(request)` method can be called whenever a page URL is needed.
A common use case for `get_url(request)` is in any custom template tag your project may include for generating navigation menus. When writing such a custom template tag, ensure that it includes `takes_context=True` and use `context.get('request')` to safely pass the
request or `None` if no request exists in the context.
-For more information, please see :meth:`wagtail.core.models.Page.get_url`.
+For more information, please see {meth}`wagtail.core.models.Page.get_url`.
In the event a full URL (including the protocol and domain) is needed, `Page.get_full_url(request)` can be used instead. Whenever possible, the optional `request` argument should be included to enable per-request caching of site-level URL information.
-For more information, please see :meth:`wagtail.core.models.Page.get_full_url`.
+For more information, please see {meth}`wagtail.core.models.Page.get_full_url`.
## Template rendering
@@ -345,19 +324,17 @@ Wagtail can nest the content of other models within the page. This is useful for
Each inline model requires the following:
-- It must inherit from :class:`wagtail.core.models.Orderable`
-- It must have a `ParentalKey` to the parent model
-.. note:: django-modelcluster and ParentalKey
+- It must inherit from {class}`wagtail.core.models.Orderable`
+- It must have a `ParentalKey` to the parent model
- The model inlining feature is provided by `django-modelcluster <https://github.com/torchbox/django-modelcluster>`_ and the ``ParentalKey`` field type must be imported from there:
+```{note} django-modelcluster and ParentalKey
+The model inlining feature is provided by [django-modelcluster](https://github.com/torchbox/django-modelcluster) and the `ParentalKey` field type must be imported from there:
- .. code-block:: python
- from modelcluster.fields import ParentalKey
+ from modelcluster.fields import ParentalKey
- ``ParentalKey`` is a subclass of Django's ``ForeignKey``, and takes the same arguments.
+`ParentalKey` is a subclass of Django's `ForeignKey`, and takes the same arguments.
For example, the following inline model can be used to add related links (a list of name, url pairs) to the `BlogPage` model:
@@ -379,9 +356,7 @@ class BlogPageRelatedLink(Orderable):
-To add this to the admin interface, use the :class:`~wagtail.admin.edit_handlers.InlinePanel` edit panel class:
+To add this to the admin interface, use the {class}`~wagtail.admin.edit_handlers.InlinePanel` edit panel class:
content_panels = [
@@ -397,9 +372,7 @@ The first argument must match the value of the `related_name` attribute of the `
Wagtail uses Django's [multi-table inheritance](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.1/topics/db/models/#multi-table-inheritance) feature to allow multiple page models to be used in the same tree.
-Each page is added to both Wagtail's builtin :class:`~wagtail.core.models.Page` model as well as its user-defined model (such as the `BlogPage` model created earlier).
+Each page is added to both Wagtail's builtin {class}`~wagtail.core.models.Page` model as well as its user-defined model (such as the `BlogPage` model created earlier).
Pages can exist in Python code in two forms, an instance of `Page` or an instance of the page model.
@@ -468,9 +441,7 @@ This is because `Page` enforces ordering QuerySets by path. Instead, you must ap
news_items = NewsItemPage.objects.live().order_by('-publication_date')
-.. _custom_page_managers:
### Custom Page managers
You can add a custom `Manager` to your `Page` class. Any custom Managers should inherit from `wagtail.core.models.PageManager`: