@@ -25,3 +25,51 @@ Examples:
- Django templates - `lower_snake_case.html`
- Documentation - `lower_snake_case.md`
+## Naming conventions
+### Use `classname` in Python / HTML template tag variables
+`classname` is preferred for any API / interface or Django template variables that need to output an HTML class.
+#### Django template tag
+{% dialog_toggle classname='button button-primary' %}
+<button type="button" class="{{ classname }}" data-a11y-dialog-show="{{ dialog_id }}">
+ {{ text }}
+def dialog_toggle(dialog_id, classname="", text=None):
+ return {
+ "classname": classname,
+ "text": text,
+ }
+### Python / Django class driven content
+class Panel:
+ def __init__(self, heading="", classname="", help_text="", base_form_class=None):
+ self.heading = heading
+ self.classname = classname
+#### Details
+| Convention | Usage |
+| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `classname` | ✅ Preferred for any new code. |
+| `class` | ✳️ Only if used as part of a generic `attrs`-like dict; however avoid due to conflicts with Python `class` keyword. |
+| `classnames` | ❌ Avoid for new code. |
+| `class_name` | ✳️ Some existing code may use this; avoid for new code. |
+| `class_names` | ❌ Avoid for new code. |
+| `className` | ❌ Avoid for new code. |
+| `classNames` | ❌ Avoid for new code. |