@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ export { default as EmbedBlock } from './blocks/EmbedBlock';
export { default as ModalWorkflowSource } from './sources/ModalWorkflowSource';
+import EditorFallback from './EditorFallback/EditorFallback';
// 1024x1024 SVG path rendering of the "↵" character, that renders badly in MS Edge.
const BR_ICON = 'M.436 633.471l296.897-296.898v241.823h616.586V94.117h109.517v593.796H297.333v242.456z';
@@ -61,6 +63,7 @@ const initEditor = (selector, options, currentScript) => {
const serialiseInputValue = rawContentState => {
+ field.rawContentState = rawContentState;
field.value = JSON.stringify(rawContentState);
@@ -80,34 +83,40 @@ const initEditor = (selector, options, currentScript) => {
} : false;
const rawContentState = JSON.parse(field.value);
+ field.rawContentState = rawContentState;
+ const editorRef = (ref) => {
+ // Bind editor instance to its field so it can be accessed imperatively elsewhere.
+ field.draftailEditor = ref;
+ };
const editor = (
- <DraftailEditor
- rawContentState={rawContentState}
- onSave={serialiseInputValue}
- placeholder={STRINGS.WRITE_HERE}
- spellCheck={true}
- enableLineBreak={{
- description: STRINGS.LINE_BREAK,
- icon: BR_ICON,
- }}
- showUndoControl={{ description: STRINGS.UNDO }}
- showRedoControl={{ description: STRINGS.REDO }}
- maxListNesting={4}
- // Draft.js + IE 11 presents some issues with pasting rich text. Disable rich paste there.
- stripPastedStyles={IS_IE11}
- {...options}
- blockTypes={blockTypes.map(wrapWagtailIcon)}
- inlineStyles={inlineStyles.map(wrapWagtailIcon)}
- entityTypes={entityTypes}
- enableHorizontalRule={enableHorizontalRule}
- />
+ <EditorFallback field={field}>
+ <DraftailEditor
+ ref={editorRef}
+ rawContentState={rawContentState}
+ onSave={serialiseInputValue}
+ placeholder={STRINGS.WRITE_HERE}
+ spellCheck={true}
+ enableLineBreak={{
+ description: STRINGS.LINE_BREAK,
+ icon: BR_ICON,
+ }}
+ showUndoControl={{ description: STRINGS.UNDO }}
+ showRedoControl={{ description: STRINGS.REDO }}
+ maxListNesting={4}
+ // Draft.js + IE 11 presents some issues with pasting rich text. Disable rich paste there.
+ stripPastedStyles={IS_IE11}
+ {...options}
+ blockTypes={blockTypes.map(wrapWagtailIcon)}
+ inlineStyles={inlineStyles.map(wrapWagtailIcon)}
+ entityTypes={entityTypes}
+ enableHorizontalRule={enableHorizontalRule}
+ />
+ </EditorFallback>
- const draftailEditor = ReactDOM.render(editor, editorWrapper);
- // Bind editor instance to its field so it can be accessed imperatively elsewhere.
- field.draftailEditor = draftailEditor;
+ ReactDOM.render(editor, editorWrapper);
export default {