@@ -219,6 +219,99 @@ If using custom styling for the breadcrumbs, this class has changed from singula
| ---------------- | ----------------- |
| `'w-breadcrumb'` | `'w-breadcrumbs'` |
+### Snippets templates refactored to reuse the shared `slim_header.html` template
+The templates for the snippets views have been refactored to reuse the shared `slim_header.html` template. If you have customised or extended the templates, e.g. for [](wagtailsnippets_custom_admin_views), you will need to update them to match the new structure. As a result, the following templates have been removed:
+- `wagtailsnippets/snippets/headers/_base_header.html`
+- `wagtailsnippets/snippets/headers/create_header.html`
+- `wagtailsnippets/snippets/headers/edit_header.html`
+- `wagtailsnippets/snippets/headers/history_header.html`
+- `wagtailsnippets/snippets/headers/list_header.html`
+- `wagtailsnippets/snippets/headers/usage_header.html`
+In most cases, the usage of those templates can be replaced with the `wagtailadmin/shared/headers/slim_header.html` template. Refer to the snippets views and templates code for more details.
+### `BaseSidePanels`, `PageSidePanels` and `SnippetSidePanels` classes are removed
+The `BaseSidePanels`, `PageSidePanels` and `SnippetSidePanels` classes that were used to combine the side panels (i.e. status, preview and comments side panels) have been removed. Each side panel is now instantiated directly in the view. The `wagtail.admin.ui.components.MediaContainer` class can be used to combine the [`Media`](django:topics/forms/media) objects for the side panels.
+The `BasePreviewSidePanel`, `PagePreviewSidePanel` and `SnippetPreviewSidePanel` classes have been replaced with the consolidated `PreviewSidePanel` class.
+The `BaseStatusSidePanel` class has been renamed to `StatusSidePanel`.
+If you use these classes in your code, you will need to update your code to instantiate the side panels directly in the view.
+For example, if you have the following code:
+from wagtail.admin.ui.side_panels import PageSidePanels
+def my_view(request):
+ ...
+ side_panels = PageSidePanels(
+ request,
+ page.get_latest_revision_as_object(),
+ show_schedule_publishing_toggle=False,
+ live_page=page,
+ scheduled_page=page.get_scheduled_revision_as_object(),
+ in_explorer=False,
+ preview_enabled=True,
+ comments_enabled=False,
+ )
+ return render(
+ request,
+ template_name,
+ {"page": page, "side_panels": side_panels, "media": side_panels.media},
+ )
+Update it to the following:
+from wagtail.admin.ui.components import MediaContainer
+from wagtail.admin.ui.side_panels import PageStatusSidePanel, PreviewSidePanel
+def my_view(request):
+ ...
+ side_panels = [
+ PageStatusSidePanel(
+ page,
+ request,
+ show_schedule_publishing_toggle=False,
+ live_object=page,
+ scheduled_object=page.get_scheduled_revision_as_object(),
+ locale=page.locale,
+ translations=translations,
+ ),
+ PreviewSidePanel(
+ page,
+ request,
+ preview_url=reverse("wagtailadmin_pages:preview_on_edit", args=[page.id]),
+ ),
+ ]
+ side_panels = MediaContainer(side_panels)
+ return render(
+ request,
+ template_name,
+ {"page": page, "side_panels": side_panels, "media": side_panels.media},
+ )
+### `construct_snippet_listing_buttons` hook no longer accepts a `context` argument
+The [`construct_snippet_listing_buttons`](construct_snippet_listing_buttons) hook no longer accepts a `context` argument. If you have implemented this hook, you will need to remove the `context` argument from your implementation. If you need to access values computed by the view, you'll need to override the {attr}`~wagtail.snippets.views.snippets.SnippetViewSet.index_view_class` with a custom `IndexView` subclass. The `get_list_buttons` and `get_list_more_buttons` methods in particular may be overridden to customise the buttons on the listing.
+Defining a function for this hook that accepts the `context` argument will raise a warning, and the function will receive an empty dictionary (`{}`) as the `context`. Support for defining the `context` argument will be completely removed in a future Wagtail release.
+## Upgrade considerations - changes to undocumented internals
### Breadcrumbs now use different data attributes and events
The undocumented JavaScript implementation for the header breadcrumbs component has been migrated to a Stimulus controller and now uses different data attributes.
@@ -274,19 +367,6 @@ window.updateFooterSaveWarning = (formDirty, commentsDirty) => {
-### Snippets templates refactored to reuse the shared `slim_header.html` template
-The templates for the snippets views have been refactored to reuse the shared `slim_header.html` template. If you have customised or extended the templates, e.g. for [](wagtailsnippets_custom_admin_views), you will need to update them to match the new structure. As a result, the following templates have been removed:
-- `wagtailsnippets/snippets/headers/_base_header.html`
-- `wagtailsnippets/snippets/headers/create_header.html`
-- `wagtailsnippets/snippets/headers/edit_header.html`
-- `wagtailsnippets/snippets/headers/history_header.html`
-- `wagtailsnippets/snippets/headers/list_header.html`
-- `wagtailsnippets/snippets/headers/usage_header.html`
-In most cases, the usage of those templates can be replaced with the `wagtailadmin/shared/headers/slim_header.html` template. Refer to the snippets views and templates code for more details.
### `dropdown` template tag argument `toggle_tippy_offset` renamed to `toggle_tooltip_offset`
The naming conventions for `tippy` related attributes have been updated to align with the generic `tooltip` naming.
@@ -328,84 +408,6 @@ Use the HTML [`template`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Elem
-### `BaseSidePanels`, `PageSidePanels` and `SnippetSidePanels` classes are removed
-The `BaseSidePanels`, `PageSidePanels` and `SnippetSidePanels` classes that were used to combine the side panels (i.e. status, preview and comments side panels) have been removed. Each side panel is now instantiated directly in the view. The `wagtail.admin.ui.components.MediaContainer` class can be used to combine the [`Media`](django:topics/forms/media) objects for the side panels.
-The `BasePreviewSidePanel`, `PagePreviewSidePanel` and `SnippetPreviewSidePanel` classes have been replaced with the consolidated `PreviewSidePanel` class.
-The `BaseStatusSidePanel` class has been renamed to `StatusSidePanel`.
-If you use these classes in your code, you will need to update your code to instantiate the side panels directly in the view.
-For example, if you have the following code:
-from wagtail.admin.ui.side_panels import PageSidePanels
-def my_view(request):
- ...
- side_panels = PageSidePanels(
- request,
- page.get_latest_revision_as_object(),
- show_schedule_publishing_toggle=False,
- live_page=page,
- scheduled_page=page.get_scheduled_revision_as_object(),
- in_explorer=False,
- preview_enabled=True,
- comments_enabled=False,
- )
- return render(
- request,
- template_name,
- {"page": page, "side_panels": side_panels, "media": side_panels.media},
- )
-Update it to the following:
-from wagtail.admin.ui.components import MediaContainer
-from wagtail.admin.ui.side_panels import PageStatusSidePanel, PreviewSidePanel
-def my_view(request):
- ...
- side_panels = [
- PageStatusSidePanel(
- page,
- request,
- show_schedule_publishing_toggle=False,
- live_object=page,
- scheduled_object=page.get_scheduled_revision_as_object(),
- locale=page.locale,
- translations=translations,
- ),
- PreviewSidePanel(
- page,
- request,
- preview_url=reverse("wagtailadmin_pages:preview_on_edit", args=[page.id]),
- ),
- ]
- side_panels = MediaContainer(side_panels)
- return render(
- request,
- template_name,
- {"page": page, "side_panels": side_panels, "media": side_panels.media},
- )
-### `construct_snippet_listing_buttons` hook no longer accepts a `context` argument
-The [`construct_snippet_listing_buttons`](construct_snippet_listing_buttons) hook no longer accepts a `context` argument. If you have implemented this hook, you will need to remove the `context` argument from your implementation. If you need to access values computed by the view, you'll need to override the {attr}`~wagtail.snippets.views.snippets.SnippetViewSet.index_view_class` with a custom `IndexView` subclass. The `get_list_buttons` and `get_list_more_buttons` methods in particular may be overridden to customise the buttons on the listing.
-Defining a function for this hook that accepts the `context` argument will raise a warning, and the function will receive an empty dictionary (`{}`) as the `context`. Support for defining the `context` argument will be completely removed in a future Wagtail release.
### Adoption of `classname` convention within the Image `Format` instance
When using `wagtail.images.formats.Format`, the created instance set the argument for classes to the attribute `classnames` (plural), this has now changed to `classname` (singular).