@@ -1,429 +0,0 @@
-import { Application } from '@hotwired/stimulus';
-import { LinkController } from './LinkController';
-describe('LinkController', () => {
- let app;
- const oldWindowLocation = window.location;
- const setWindowLocation = (url) => {
- delete window.location;
- window.location = new URL(url);
- };
- beforeEach(() => {
- app = Application.start();
- app.register('w-link', LinkController);
- });
- afterEach(() => {
- app?.stop();
- jest.clearAllMocks();
- window.location = oldWindowLocation;
- });
- describe('basic behavior on connect', () => {
- it('should reflect all params by default', async () => {
- setWindowLocation(
- 'http://localhost:8000/admin/pages/?foo=bar&foo=baz&hello=&world=ok',
- );
- expect(window.location.href).toEqual(
- 'http://localhost:8000/admin/pages/?foo=bar&foo=baz&hello=&world=ok',
- );
- document.body.innerHTML = `
- <a
- id="link"
- href="/admin/something/"
- data-controller="w-link"
- >
- Reflective link
- </a>
- `;
- // Trigger next browser render cycle
- await Promise.resolve();
- // All params are reflected as-is, including multi-value and empty params
- // and the relative URL is resolved against the current URL
- expect(document.getElementById('link').href).toEqual(
- 'http://localhost:8000/admin/something/?foo=bar&foo=baz&hello=&world=ok',
- );
- // The current URL is not changed
- expect(window.location.href).toEqual(
- 'http://localhost:8000/admin/pages/?foo=bar&foo=baz&hello=&world=ok',
- );
- });
- it('should only apply params in reflect-keys-value', async () => {
- setWindowLocation(
- 'http://localhost:8000/admin/pages/?foo=bar&foo=baz&hello=&world=ok',
- );
- expect(window.location.href).toEqual(
- 'http://localhost:8000/admin/pages/?foo=bar&foo=baz&hello=&world=ok',
- );
- document.body.innerHTML = `
- <a
- id="link"
- href="/admin/something/"
- data-controller="w-link"
- data-w-link-reflect-keys-value='["foo", "hello"]'
- >
- Selectively reflective link
- </a>
- `;
- // Trigger next browser render cycle
- await Promise.resolve();
- // Only the specified params are reflected
- expect(document.getElementById('link').href).toEqual(
- 'http://localhost:8000/admin/something/?foo=bar&foo=baz&hello=',
- );
- // The current URL is not changed
- expect(window.location.href).toEqual(
- 'http://localhost:8000/admin/pages/?foo=bar&foo=baz&hello=&world=ok',
- );
- });
- it('should preserve params in preserve-keys-value', async () => {
- setWindowLocation(
- 'http://localhost:8000/admin/pages/?foo=bar&foo=baz&hello=&world=ok&a=z',
- );
- expect(window.location.href).toEqual(
- 'http://localhost:8000/admin/pages/?foo=bar&foo=baz&hello=&world=ok&a=z',
- );
- document.body.innerHTML = `
- <a
- id="link"
- href="/admin/something/?export=xlsx&export=csv&foo=fii&number=1&a=b"
- data-controller="w-link"
- data-w-link-preserve-keys-value='["export", "foo"]'
- >
- Reflective link with preserve-keys-value
- </a>
- `;
- // Trigger next browser render cycle
- await Promise.resolve();
- // behavior:
- // - `export` param preserved (multi-value, not in new URL)
- // - `foo` param preserved (single value, available in new URL)
- // - `number` param not preserved (single value, not in new URL)
- // - `hello` param reflected (empty value, only available in new URL)
- // - `world` param reflected (single value, only available in new URL)
- // - `a` param reflected (single value, available in both, taken from new URL)
- expect(document.getElementById('link').href).toEqual(
- 'http://localhost:8000/admin/something/?hello=&world=ok&a=z&export=xlsx&export=csv&foo=fii',
- );
- // The current URL is not changed
- expect(window.location.href).toEqual(
- 'http://localhost:8000/admin/pages/?foo=bar&foo=baz&hello=&world=ok&a=z',
- );
- });
- it('should reflect only the keys in reflect-keys-value and keep keys in preserve-keys-value', async () => {
- setWindowLocation(
- 'http://localhost:8000/admin/pages/?foo=bar&foo=baz&hello=&world=ok&a=z',
- );
- expect(window.location.href).toEqual(
- 'http://localhost:8000/admin/pages/?foo=bar&foo=baz&hello=&world=ok&a=z',
- );
- document.body.innerHTML = `
- <a
- id="link"
- href="/admin/something/?export=xlsx&export=csv&foo=fii&number=1&a=b"
- data-controller="w-link"
- data-w-link-reflect-keys-value='["hello", "a"]'
- data-w-link-preserve-keys-value='["export", "foo"]'
- >
- Reflective link with reflect-keys-value and preserve-keys-value
- </a>
- `;
- // Trigger next browser render cycle
- await Promise.resolve();
- // behavior:
- // - `export` param preserved (multi-value, not in new URL)
- // - `foo` param preserved (single value, available in new URL)
- // - `number` param not preserved (single value, not in new URL)
- // - `hello` param reflected (empty value, only available in new URL)
- // - `world` param not reflected (single value, only available in new URL)
- // - `a` param reflected (single value, available in both, taken from new URL)
- expect(document.getElementById('link').href).toEqual(
- 'http://localhost:8000/admin/something/?hello=&a=z&export=xlsx&export=csv&foo=fii',
- );
- // The current URL is not changed
- expect(window.location.href).toEqual(
- 'http://localhost:8000/admin/pages/?foo=bar&foo=baz&hello=&world=ok&a=z',
- );
- });
- });
- describe('handling an event with requestUrl in the detail', () => {
- it('should reflect all params by default', async () => {
- expect(window.location.href).toEqual('http://localhost/');
- document.body.innerHTML = `
- <a
- id="link"
- href="/admin/something/"
- data-controller="w-link"
- data-action="w-swap:reflect@document->w-link#setParams"
- >
- Reflective link
- </a>
- `;
- // Trigger next browser render cycle
- await Promise.resolve();
- document.dispatchEvent(
- new CustomEvent('w-swap:reflect', {
- detail: {
- requestUrl:
- 'http://localhost:8000/admin/pages/?foo=bar&foo=baz&hello=&world=ok',
- },
- }),
- );
- // All params are reflected as-is, including multi-value and empty params
- // and the relative URL is resolved against the current URL
- expect(document.getElementById('link').href).toEqual(
- 'http://localhost/admin/something/?foo=bar&foo=baz&hello=&world=ok',
- );
- });
- it('should only apply params in reflect-keys-value', async () => {
- expect(window.location.href).toEqual('http://localhost/');
- document.body.innerHTML = `
- <a
- id="link"
- href="/admin/something/"
- data-controller="w-link"
- data-w-link-reflect-keys-value='["foo", "hello"]'
- data-action="w-swap:reflect@document->w-link#setParams"
- >
- Selectively reflective link
- </a>
- `;
- // Trigger next browser render cycle
- await Promise.resolve();
- document.dispatchEvent(
- new CustomEvent('w-swap:reflect', {
- detail: {
- requestUrl:
- 'http://localhost:8000/admin/pages/?foo=bar&foo=baz&hello=&world=ok',
- },
- }),
- );
- // Only the specified params are reflected
- expect(document.getElementById('link').href).toEqual(
- 'http://localhost/admin/something/?foo=bar&foo=baz&hello=',
- );
- });
- it('should preserve params in preserve-keys-value', async () => {
- expect(window.location.href).toEqual('http://localhost/');
- document.body.innerHTML = `
- <a
- id="link"
- href="/admin/something/?export=xlsx&export=csv&foo=fii&number=1&a=b"
- data-controller="w-link"
- data-w-link-preserve-keys-value='["export", "foo"]'
- data-action="w-swap:reflect@document->w-link#setParams"
- >
- Reflective link with preserve-keys-value
- </a>
- `;
- // Trigger next browser render cycle
- await Promise.resolve();
- document.dispatchEvent(
- new CustomEvent('w-swap:reflect', {
- detail: {
- requestUrl:
- 'http://localhost:8000/admin/pages/?foo=bar&foo=baz&hello=&world=ok&a=z',
- },
- }),
- );
- // behavior:
- // - `export` param preserved (multi-value, not in new URL)
- // - `foo` param preserved (single value, available in new URL)
- // - `number` param not preserved (single value, not in new URL)
- // - `hello` param reflected (empty value, only available in new URL)
- // - `world` param reflected (single value, only available in new URL)
- // - `a` param reflected (single value, available in both, taken from new URL)
- expect(document.getElementById('link').href).toEqual(
- 'http://localhost/admin/something/?hello=&world=ok&a=z&export=xlsx&export=csv&foo=fii',
- );
- });
- it('should reflect only the keys in reflect-keys-value and keep keys in preserve-keys-value', async () => {
- expect(window.location.href).toEqual('http://localhost/');
- document.body.innerHTML = `
- <a
- id="link"
- href="/admin/something/?export=xlsx&export=csv&foo=fii&number=1&a=b"
- data-controller="w-link"
- data-w-link-reflect-keys-value='["hello", "a"]'
- data-w-link-preserve-keys-value='["export", "foo"]'
- data-action="w-swap:reflect@document->w-link#setParams"
- >
- Reflective link with reflect-keys-value and preserve-keys-value
- </a>
- `;
- // Trigger next browser render cycle
- await Promise.resolve();
- document.dispatchEvent(
- new CustomEvent('w-swap:reflect', {
- detail: {
- requestUrl:
- 'http://localhost:8000/admin/pages/?foo=bar&foo=baz&hello=&world=ok&a=z',
- },
- }),
- );
- // behavior:
- // - `export` param preserved (multi-value, not in new URL)
- // - `foo` param preserved (single value, available in new URL)
- // - `number` param not preserved (single value, not in new URL)
- // - `hello` param reflected (empty value, only available in new URL)
- // - `world` param not reflected (single value, only available in new URL)
- // - `a` param reflected (single value, available in both, taken from new URL)
- expect(document.getElementById('link').href).toEqual(
- 'http://localhost/admin/something/?hello=&a=z&export=xlsx&export=csv&foo=fii',
- );
- });
- });
- describe('handling an event without requestUrl in the detail', () => {
- it('should not reflect any params', async () => {
- expect(window.location.href).toEqual('http://localhost/');
- document.body.innerHTML = `
- <a
- id="link"
- href="/admin/something/"
- data-controller="w-link"
- data-action="custom:event@document->w-link#setParams"
- >
- Reflective link
- </a>
- `;
- // Trigger next browser render cycle
- await Promise.resolve();
- document.dispatchEvent(
- new CustomEvent('custom:event', {
- detail: {
- something: 'else',
- },
- }),
- );
- // Should not change the href
- expect(document.getElementById('link').href).toEqual(
- 'http://localhost/admin/something/',
- );
- });
- });
- describe('using a custom attr-name-value for the link', () => {
- it('should reflect the params from the current URL to the link in the specified attribute', async () => {
- setWindowLocation(
- 'http://localhost:8000/admin/pages/?foo=bar&foo=baz&hello=&world=ok&a=z',
- );
- expect(window.location.href).toEqual(
- 'http://localhost:8000/admin/pages/?foo=bar&foo=baz&hello=&world=ok&a=z',
- );
- document.body.innerHTML = `
- <button
- id="button"
- data-target-url="/admin/something/?export=xlsx&export=csv&foo=fii&number=1&a=b"
- data-controller="w-link"
- data-w-link-attr-name-value="data-target-url"
- data-w-link-reflect-keys-value='["hello", "a"]'
- data-w-link-preserve-keys-value='["export", "foo"]'
- >
- Reflective link with attr-name-value, reflect-keys-value, and preserve-keys-value
- </button>
- `;
- // Trigger next browser render cycle
- await Promise.resolve();
- // behavior:
- // - `export` param preserved (multi-value, not in new URL)
- // - `foo` param preserved (single value, available in new URL)
- // - `number` param not preserved (single value, not in new URL)
- // - `hello` param reflected (empty value, only available in new URL)
- // - `world` param not reflected (single value, only available in new URL)
- // - `a` param reflected (single value, available in both, taken from new URL)
- expect(document.getElementById('button').dataset.targetUrl).toEqual(
- 'http://localhost:8000/admin/something/?hello=&a=z&export=xlsx&export=csv&foo=fii',
- );
- // The current URL is not changed
- expect(window.location.href).toEqual(
- 'http://localhost:8000/admin/pages/?foo=bar&foo=baz&hello=&world=ok&a=z',
- );
- });
- it("should reflect the params from the event's requestUrl to the link in the specified attribute", async () => {
- expect(window.location.href).toEqual('http://localhost/');
- document.body.innerHTML = `
- <button
- id="button"
- data-target-url="/admin/something/?export=xlsx&export=csv&foo=fii&number=1&a=b"
- data-controller="w-link"
- data-w-link-attr-name-value="data-target-url"
- data-w-link-reflect-keys-value='["hello", "a"]'
- data-w-link-preserve-keys-value='["export", "foo"]'
- data-action="w-swap:reflect@document->w-link#setParams"
- >
- Reflective link with attr-name-value, reflect-keys-value, and preserve-keys-value
- </button>
- `;
- // Trigger next browser render cycle
- await Promise.resolve();
- document.dispatchEvent(
- new CustomEvent('w-swap:reflect', {
- detail: {
- requestUrl:
- 'http://localhost:8000/admin/pages/?foo=bar&foo=baz&hello=&world=ok&a=z',
- },
- }),
- );
- // behavior:
- // - `export` param preserved (multi-value, not in new URL)
- // - `foo` param preserved (single value, available in new URL)
- // - `number` param not preserved (single value, not in new URL)
- // - `hello` param reflected (empty value, only available in new URL)
- // - `world` param not reflected (single value, only available in new URL)
- // - `a` param reflected (single value, available in both, taken from new URL)
- expect(document.getElementById('button').dataset.targetUrl).toEqual(
- 'http://localhost/admin/something/?hello=&a=z&export=xlsx&export=csv&foo=fii',
- );
- });
- });