An issue must always correspond to a specific action with a well-defined completion state: fixing a bug, adding a new feature, updating documentation, or cleaning up code. Open-ended issues where the end result is not immediately clear ("come up with a way of doing translations" or "Add more features to rich text fields.") are better suited to [Github discussions](https://github.com/wagtail/wagtail/discussions), so that there can be feedback on clear way to progress the issue and identify when it has been completed through separate issues created from the discussion.
An issue must always correspond to a specific action with a well-defined completion state: fixing a bug, adding a new feature, updating documentation, or cleaning up code. Open-ended issues where the end result is not immediately clear ("come up with a way of doing translations" or "Add more features to rich text fields.") are better suited to [Github discussions](https://github.com/wagtail/wagtail/discussions), so that there can be feedback on clear way to progress the issue and identify when it has been completed through separate issues created from the discussion.
As soon as a ticket is opened - ideally within one day - a member of the core team will give it an initial classification, by either closing it due to it being invalid or updating it with the relevant labels. When a bug is opened, it will automatically be assigned the [`type:Bug`](https://github.com/wagtail/wagtail/labels/type%3ABug) and [`status:Unconfirmed`](https://github.com/wagtail/wagtail/labels/status%3AUnconfirmed) labels, once confirmed the bug can have the unconfirmed status removed. A member of the team will potentially also add a release milestone to help guide the priority of this issue. Anyone is invited to help Wagtail with reproducing `status:Unconfirmed` bugs and commenting if it is a valid bug or not with additional steps to reproduce if needed.
As soon as a ticket is opened - ideally within one day - a member of the core team will give it an initial classification, by either closing it due to it being invalid or updating it with the relevant labels. When a bug is opened, it will automatically be assigned the [`type:Bug`](https://github.com/wagtail/wagtail/labels/type%3ABug) and [`status:Unconfirmed`](https://github.com/wagtail/wagtail/labels/status%3AUnconfirmed) labels, once confirmed the bug can have the unconfirmed status removed. A member of the team will potentially also add a release milestone to help guide the priority of this issue. Anyone is invited to help Wagtail with reproducing `status:Unconfirmed` bugs and commenting if it is a valid bug or not with additional steps to reproduce if needed.