@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ Changelog
* StreamField blocks now allow custom `get_template` methods for overriding templates in instances (Christopher Bledsoe)
* Simplified edit handler API (Florent Osmont, Bertrand Bordage)
* Made 'add/change/delete collection' permissions configurable from the group edit page (Matt Westcott)
+ * Update autoprefixer configuration to better match browser support targets (Janneke Janssen)
+ * Update React and related dependencies to latest versions (Janneke Janssen, Hugo van den Berg)
* Fix: Do not remove stopwords when generating slugs from non-ASCII titles, to avoid issues with incorrect word boundaries (Sævar Öfjörð Magnússon)
* Fix: The PostgreSQL search backend now preserves ordering of the `QuerySet` when searching with `order_by_relevance=False` (Bertrand Bordage)
* Fix: Using `modeladmin_register` as a decorator no longer replaces the decorated class with `None` (Tim Heap)