@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ StreamField definitions within migrations are now represented in a more compact
* Allow custom permission policies on snippets to prevent superusers from creating or editing them (Sage Abdullah)
* Do not link to edit view from listing views if user has no permission to edit (Sage Abdullah)
* Allow access to snippets and other model viewsets to users with "View" permission (Sage Abdullah)
- * Skip `ChooseParentView` if only one possible valid parent page availale (Matthias Brück)
+ * Skip `ChooseParentView` if only one possible valid parent page is available (Matthias Brück)
* Add `copy_for_translation_done` signal when a page is copied for translation (Arnar Tumi Þorsteinsson)
* Remove reduced opacity for draft page title in listings (Inju Michorius)
* Implement a new design for locale labels in listings (Albina Starykova)