@@ -205,6 +205,128 @@ def editor_js():
You should be able to see that on your Blog Pages, the introduction field will now have a small `output` element showing the count and max words being used.
+#### A more complex widget example
+For more complex widgets we can now integrate additional libraries whenever the widget appears in the rendered HTML, either on initial load or dynamically without the need for any inline `script` elements.
+In this example we will build a color picker widget using the [Coloris](https://coloris.js.org/) JavaScript library with support for custom widget options.
+First, let's start with the HTML, building on the [Django widgets](django:ref/forms/widgets) system that Wagtail supports for `FieldPanel` and `FieldBlock`. Using the `build_attrs` method, we build up the appropriate Stimulus data attributes to support common data structures being passed into the controller.
+Observe that we are using `json.dumps` for complex values (a list of strings in this case), Django will automatically escape these values when rendered to avoid common causes of insecure client-side code.
+# myapp/widgets.py
+import json
+from django.forms import Media, TextInput
+from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
+class ColorWidget(TextInput):
+ """
+ See https://coloris.js.org/
+ """
+ def __init__(self, attrs=None, swatches=[], theme='large'):
+ self.swatches = swatches
+ self.theme = theme
+ super().__init__(attrs=attrs);
+ def build_attrs(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ attrs = super().build_attrs(*args, **kwargs)
+ attrs['data-controller'] = 'color'
+ attrs['data-color-theme-value'] = self.theme
+ attrs['data-color-swatches-value'] = json.dumps(swatches)
+ return attrs
+ @property
+ def media(self):
+ return Media(
+ js=[
+ # load the UI library
+ "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/mdbassit/Coloris@latest/dist/coloris.min.js",
+ # load controller JS
+ "js/color-controller.js",
+ ],
+ css={"all": ["https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/mdbassit/Coloris@latest/dist/coloris.min.css"]},
+ )
+For the Stimulus controller, we pass the values through to the JavaScript library, including a reference to the controlled element via `this.element.id`.
+// myapp/static/js/color-controller.js
+class ColorController extends window.StimulusModule.Controller {
+ static values = { swatches: Array, theme: String };
+ connect() {
+ // create
+ Coloris({ el: `#${this.element.id}` });
+ // set options after initial creation
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ Coloris({ swatches: this.swatchesValue, theme: this.themeValue });
+ });
+ }
+window.wagtail.app.register('color', ColorController);
+Now we can use this widget in any `FieldPanel` or any `FieldBlock` for StreamFields, it will automatically instantiate the JavaScript to the field's element.
+# blocks.py
+# ... other imports
+from django import forms
+from wagtail.blocks import FieldBlock
+from .widgets import ColorWidget
+class ColorBlock(FieldBlock):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ swatches = kwargs.pop('swatches', [])
+ theme = kwargs.pop('theme', 'large')
+ self.field = forms.CharField(widget=ColorWidget(swatches=swatches, theme=theme))
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+# models.py
+# ... other imports
+from django import forms
+from wagtail.admin.panels import FieldPanel
+from .blocks import ColorBlock
+from .widgets import ColorWidget
+BREAD_COLOR_PALETTE = ["#CFAC89", "#C68C5F", "#C47647", "#98644F", "#42332E"]
+class BreadPage(Page):
+ body = StreamField([
+ # ...
+ ('color', ColorBlock(swatches=BREAD_COLOR_PALETTE)),
+ # ...
+ ], use_json_field=True)
+ color = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=50)
+ # ... other fields
+ content_panels = Page.content_panels + [
+ # ... other panels
+ FieldPanel("body"),
+ FieldPanel("color", widget=ColorWidget(swatches=BREAD_COLOR_PALETTE)),
+ ]
#### Using a build system
You will need ensure your build output is ES6/ES2015 or higher. You can use the exposed global module at `window.StimulusModule` or provide your own using the npm module `@hotwired/stimulus`.