@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
-const plugin = require('tailwindcss/plugin');
-// TypeScale plugin:
-// This plugin generates component classes using tailwind's configuration for each object inside of the typeScale const.
-// If the tailwind config is using a prefix such as 'w-' this will be included in the compiled css class eg. .w-h1
-module.exports = plugin(({ addComponents, theme }) => {
- const headingBaseStyles = {
- fontWeight: theme('fontWeight.bold'),
- color: theme('colors.primary.DEFAULT'),
- lineHeight: theme('lineHeight.tight'),
- };
- const typeScale = {
- '.h1': {
- fontSize: theme('fontSize.30'),
- fontWeight: theme('fontWeight.extrabold'),
- color: theme('colors.primary.DEFAULT'),
- lineHeight: theme('lineHeight.tight'),
- },
- '.h2': {
- fontSize: theme('fontSize.24'),
- ...headingBaseStyles,
- },
- '.h3': {
- fontSize: theme('fontSize.22'),
- ...headingBaseStyles,
- },
- '.h4': {
- fontSize: theme('fontSize.18'),
- ...headingBaseStyles,
- },
- '.label-1': {
- fontSize: theme('fontSize.16'),
- fontWeight: theme('fontWeight.bold'),
- color: theme('colors.primary.DEFAULT'),
- lineHeight: theme('lineHeight.tight'),
- },
- '.label-2': {
- fontSize: theme('fontSize.15'),
- fontWeight: theme('fontWeight.semibold'),
- color: theme('colors.primary.DEFAULT'),
- lineHeight: theme('lineHeight.tight'),
- },
- '.label-3': {
- fontSize: theme('fontSize.14'),
- fontWeight: theme('fontWeight.medium'),
- color: theme('colors.primary.DEFAULT'),
- lineHeight: theme('lineHeight.tight'),
- },
- '.body-text': {
- fontSize: theme('fontSize.16'),
- fontWeight: theme('fontWeight.normal'),
- lineHeight: theme('lineHeight.normal'),
- },
- '.body-text-large': {
- fontSize: theme('fontSize.18'),
- fontWeight: theme('fontWeight.normal'),
- lineHeight: theme('lineHeight.normal'),
- },
- '.help-text': {
- fontSize: theme('fontSize.14'),
- fontWeight: theme('fontWeight.normal'),
- color: theme('colors.grey.400'),
- lineHeight: theme('lineHeight.tight'),
- },
- };
- addComponents(typeScale);