
Renamed rich_text reference to eliminate ambiguous reference warnings

Cynthia Kiser 1 年間 前

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@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class FundingPage(Page):
 For more details on how to work with `Panel`s and `PanelGroup`, see [](forms_panels_overview).
 ## Rich Text (HTML)

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@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Here's an example template to access the document field and render it:
 ## Using documents within `RichTextFields`
-Links to documents can be made in pages using the [`RichTextField`](rich_text_docs). By default, Wagtail will include the features for adding links to documents see [](rich_text_features).
+Links to documents can be made in pages using the [`RichTextField`](rich_text_field). By default, Wagtail will include the features for adding links to documents see [](rich_text_features).
 You can either exclude or include these by passing the `features` to your `RichTextField`. In the example below we create a `RichTextField` with only documents and basic formatting.

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@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ The components involved in Wagtail's rich text handling are described below.
 ## Data format
-Rich text data (as handled by [RichTextField](rich_text), and `RichTextBlock` within [StreamField](../topics/streamfield.rst)) is stored in the database in a format that is similar, but not identical, to HTML. For example, a link to a page might be stored as:
+Rich text data (as handled by [RichTextField](rich_text_field), and `RichTextBlock` within [StreamField](../topics/streamfield.rst)) is stored in the database in a format that is similar, but not identical, to HTML. For example, a link to a page might be stored as:
 <p><a linktype="page" id="3">Contact us</a> for more information.</p>

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@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ And to use the `<amp-img>` tag (based on the [Mountains example](https://amp.dev
 ## Images embedded in rich text
-The information above relates to images defined via image-specific fields in your model. However, images can also be embedded arbitrarily in Rich Text fields by the page editor (see [](rich_text)).
+The information above relates to images defined via image-specific fields in your model. However, images can also be embedded arbitrarily in Rich Text fields by the page editor (see [](rich_text_field).
 Images embedded in Rich Text fields can't be controlled by the template developer as easily. There are no image objects to work with, so the `{% image %}` template tag can't be used. Instead, editors can choose from one of a number of image "Formats" at the point of inserting images into their text.