@@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ Changelog
* Remove legacy (non-next) breadcrumbs no longer used, remove `ModelAdmin` usage of breadcrumbs completely (Paarth Agarwal)
* Replace human-readable-date hover pattern with accessible tooltip variant across all of admin (Bernd de Ridder)
* Added `WAGTAILADMIN_USER_PASSWORD_RESET_FORM` setting for overriding the admin password reset form (Michael Karamuth)
- * Prefetch workflow states in edit page view to to avoid queries in other parts of the view/templates that need it (Tidiane Dia)
+ * Prefetch workflow states in edit page view to avoid queries in other parts of the view/templates that need it (Tidiane Dia)
* Remove the edit link from edit bird in previews to avoid confusion (Sævar Öfjörð Magnússon)
* Introduce new template fragment and block level enclosure tags for easier template composition (Thibaud Colas)
* Add a `classnames` template tag to easily build up classes from variables provided to a template (Paarth Agarwal)
@@ -2149,7 +2149,7 @@ Changelog
* Added hooks `before_create_user`, `after_create_user`, `before_delete_user`, `after_delete_user`, `before_edit_user`, `after_edit_user` (Jon Carmack)
* Added `exclude_fields_in_copy` property to Page to define fields that should not be included on page copy (LB (Ben Johnston))
* Improved error message on incorrect `{% image %}` tag syntax (LB (Ben Johnston))
- * Optimized preview data storage (Bertrand Bordage)
+ * Optimised preview data storage (Bertrand Bordage)
* Added `render_landing_page` method to `AbstractForm` to be easily overridden and pass `form_submission` to landing page context (Stein Strindhaug)
* Added `heading` kwarg to `InlinePanel` to allow heading to be set independently of button label (Adrian Turjak)
* The value type returned from a `StructBlock` can now be customised (LB (Ben Johnston))
@@ -2408,7 +2408,7 @@ Changelog
* Added `form_fields_exclude` property to ModelAdmin views (Matheus Bratfisch)
* User creation / edit form now enforces password validators set in `AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS` (Bertrand Bordage)
* Added support for showing `non_field_errors` when validation fails in the page editor (Matt Westcott)
- * Added `WAGTAILADMIN_RECENT_EDITS_LIMIT` setting to to define the number of your most recent edits on the dashboard (Maarten Kling)
+ * Added `WAGTAILADMIN_RECENT_EDITS_LIMIT` setting to define the number of your most recent edits on the dashboard (Maarten Kling)
* Creating / editing users through the Wagtail admin no longer modifies the `is_staff` flag (Matt Westcott)
* Added link to the full Elasticsearch setup documentation from the Performance page (Matt Westcott)
* Tag input fields now accept spaces in tags by default, and can be overridden with the `TAG_SPACES_ALLOWED` setting (Kees Hink, Alex Gleason)