@@ -227,3 +227,90 @@ def register_calendar_menu_item():
The 'Calendar' item will now appear as a group of menu items. When expanded, the 'Calendar' item will now show our two custom menu items.

+## Using `ViewSet` to group custom admin views
+Wagtail provides a {class}`~wagtail.admin.viewsets.base.ViewSet` class that combines the registration of views and the associated menu item into a single class. For example, you can group the calendar views from the previous example into a single menu item by creating a `ViewSet` subclass in `views.py`:
+```{code-block} python
+from wagtail.admin.viewsets.base import ViewSet
+class CalendarViewSet(ViewSet):
+ add_to_admin_menu = True
+ menu_label = "Calendar"
+ icon = "date"
+ # The `name` will be used for both the URL prefix and the URL namespace.
+ # They can be customised individually via `url_prefix` and `url_namespace`.
+ name = "calendar"
+ def get_urlpatterns(self):
+ return [
+ # This can be accessed at `/admin/calendar/`
+ # and reverse-resolved with the name `calendar:index`.
+ # This first URL will be used for the menu item, but it can be
+ # customised by overriding the `menu_url` property.
+ path('', index, name='index'),
+ # This can be accessed at `/admin/calendar/month/`
+ # and reverse-resolved with the name `calendar:month`.
+ path('month/', month, name='month'),
+ ]
+Then, remove the `register_admin_urls` and `register_admin_menu_item` hooks in `wagtail_hooks.py` in favor of registering the `ViewSet` subclass with the [`register_admin_viewset`](register_admin_viewset) hook:
+```{code-block} python
+from .views import CalendarViewSet
+def register_viewset():
+ return CalendarViewSet()
+Compared to the previous example with the two separate hooks, this will result in a single menu item "Calendar" that takes you to the `/admin/calendar/` URL. The second URL will not have its own menu item, but it will still be accessible at `/admin/calendar/month/`. This is useful for grouping related views together, that may not necessarily need their own menu items.
+For further customisations, refer to the {class}`~wagtail.admin.viewsets.base.ViewSet` documentation.
+```{versionadded} 5.2
+Support for registering a menu item in the base `ViewSet` class was added.
+## Combining multiple `ViewSet`s using a `ViewSetGroup`
+The {class}`~wagtail.admin.viewsets.base.ViewSetGroup` class can be used to group multiple `ViewSet`s inside a top-level menu item. For example, if you have a different viewset e.g. `EventViewSet` that you want to group with the `CalendarViewSet` from the previous example, you can do so by creating a `ViewSetGroup` subclass in `views.py`:
+```{code-block} python
+from wagtail.admin.viewsets.base import ViewSetGroup
+class AgendaViewSetGroup(ViewSetGroup):
+ menu_label = "Agenda"
+ menu_icon = "table"
+ # You can specify instances or subclasses of `ViewSet` in `items`.
+ items = (CalendarViewSet(), EventViewSet)
+Then, remove `add_to_admin_menu` from the viewsets and update the `register_admin_viewset` hook in `wagtail_hooks.py` to register the `ViewSetGroup` instead of the individual viewsets:
+```{code-block} python
+from .views import AgendaViewSetGroup
+def register_viewset():
+ return AgendaViewSetGroup()
+This will result in a top-level menu item "Agenda" with the two viewsets' menu items as sub-items, e.g. "Calendar" and "Events".
+For further customisations, refer to the {class}`~wagtail.admin.viewsets.base.ViewSetGroup` documentation.
+```{versionadded} 5.2
+The `ViewSetGroup` class was added.