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Add documentation for non-model choosers using queryish (#10863)

Matt Westcott 1 year ago
3 changed files with 40 additions and 149 deletions
  1. 1 0
  2. 38 149
  3. 1 0

+ 1 - 0

@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Changelog
  * Fix: Filter out comments on Page editing counts that do not correspond to a valid field / block path on the page such as when a field has been removed (Matt Westcott)
  * Fix: Filter out comments on Page editing counts that do not correspond to a valid field / block path on the page such as when a field has been removed (Matt Westcott)
  * Docs: Document `WAGTAILADMIN_BASE_URL` on "Integrating Wagtail into a Django project" page (Shreshth Srivastava)
  * Docs: Document `WAGTAILADMIN_BASE_URL` on "Integrating Wagtail into a Django project" page (Shreshth Srivastava)
  * Docs: Replace incorrect screenshot for authors listing on tutorial (Shreshth Srivastava)
  * Docs: Replace incorrect screenshot for authors listing on tutorial (Shreshth Srivastava)
+ * Docs: Add documentation for building non-model-based choosers using the _queryish_ library (Matt Westcott)
  * Maintenance: Fix snippet search test to work on non-fallback database backends (Matt Westcott)
  * Maintenance: Fix snippet search test to work on non-fallback database backends (Matt Westcott)
  * Maintenance: Update Eslint, Prettier, Jest, a11y-dialog, axe-core and js-cookie npm packages (LB (Ben) Johnston)
  * Maintenance: Update Eslint, Prettier, Jest, a11y-dialog, axe-core and js-cookie npm packages (LB (Ben) Johnston)
  * Maintenance: Add npm scripts for TypeScript checks and formatting SCSS files (LB (Ben) Johnston)
  * Maintenance: Add npm scripts for TypeScript checks and formatting SCSS files (LB (Ben) Johnston)

+ 38 - 149

@@ -156,171 +156,60 @@ PersonChooserWidget(linked_fields={
 ## Chooser viewsets for non-model datasources
 ## Chooser viewsets for non-model datasources
-While the generic chooser views are primarily designed to use Django models as the data source, choosers based on other sources such as REST API endpoints can be implemented by overriding the individual methods that deal with data retrieval.
-Within `wagtail.admin.views.generic.chooser`:
--   `BaseChooseView.get_object_list()` - returns a list of records to be displayed in the chooser. (In the default implementation, this is a Django QuerySet, and the records are model instances.)
--   `BaseChooseView.columns` - a list of `wagtail.admin.ui.tables.Column` objects specifying the fields of the record to display in the final table
--   `BaseChooseView.apply_object_list_ordering(objects)` - given a list of records as returned from `get_object_list`, returns the list with the desired ordering applied
--   `ChosenViewMixin.get_object(pk)` - returns the record identified by the given primary key
--   `ChosenResponseMixin.get_chosen_response_data(item)` - given a record, returns the dictionary of data that will be passed back to the chooser widget to populate it (consisting of items `id` and `title`, unless the chooser widget's JavaScript has been customised)
-Within `wagtail.admin.widgets`:
--   `BaseChooser.get_instance(value)` - given a value that may be a record, a primary key, or None, returns the corresponding record or None
--   `BaseChooser.get_value_data_from_instance(item)` - given a record, returns the dictionary of data that will populate the chooser widget (consisting of items `id` and `title`, unless the widget's JavaScript has been customised)
-For example, the following code will implement a chooser that runs against a JSON endpoint for the User model at `http://localhost:8000/api/users/`, set up with Django REST Framework using the default configuration and no pagination:
+While the generic chooser views are primarily designed to use Django models as the data source, choosers based on other sources such as REST API endpoints can be implemented through the use of the [queryish]( library, which allows any data source to be wrapped in a Django QuerySet-like interface. This can then be passed to ChooserViewSet like a normal model. For example, the Pokemon example from the _queryish_ documentation could be made into a chooser as follows:
-from django.views.generic.base import View
-import requests
-from wagtail.admin.ui.tables import Column, TitleColumn
-from wagtail.admin.views.generic.chooser import (
-    BaseChooseView, ChooseViewMixin, ChooseResultsViewMixin, ChosenResponseMixin, ChosenViewMixin, CreationFormMixin
+import re
+from import APIModel
 from wagtail.admin.viewsets.chooser import ChooserViewSet
 from wagtail.admin.viewsets.chooser import ChooserViewSet
-from wagtail.admin.widgets import BaseChooser
-class BaseUserChooseView(BaseChooseView):
-    @property
-    def columns(self):
-        return [
-            TitleColumn(
-                "title",
-                label="Title",
-                accessor='username',
-                id_accessor='id',
-                url_name=self.chosen_url_name,
-                link_attrs={"data-chooser-modal-choice": True},
-            ),
-            Column(
-                "email", label="Email", accessor="email"
-            )
-        ]
-    def get_object_list(self):
-        r = requests.get("http://localhost:8000/api/users/")
-        r.raise_for_status()
-        results = r.json()
-        return results
-    def apply_object_list_ordering(self, objects):
-        return objects
-class UserChooseView(ChooseViewMixin, CreationFormMixin, BaseUserChooseView):
-    pass
+class Pokemon(APIModel):
+    class Meta:
+        base_url = ""
+        detail_url = ""
+        fields = ["id", "name"]
+        pagination_style = "offset-limit"
+        verbose_name_plural = "pokemon"
+    @classmethod
+    def from_query_data(cls, data):
+        return cls(
+            id=int(re.match(r'\d+)/', data['url']).group(1)),
+            name=data['name'],
+        )
+    @classmethod
+    def from_individual_data(cls, data):
+        return cls(
+            id=data['id'],
+            name=data['name'],
+        )
-class UserChooseResultsView(ChooseResultsViewMixin, CreationFormMixin, BaseUserChooseView):
-    pass
-class UserChosenViewMixin(ChosenViewMixin):
-    def get_object(self, pk):
-        r = requests.get("http://localhost:8000/api/users/%d/" % int(pk))
-        r.raise_for_status()
-        return r.json()
-class UserChosenResponseMixin(ChosenResponseMixin):
-    def get_chosen_response_data(self, item):
-        return {
-            "id": item["id"],
-            "title": item["username"],
-        }
+    def __str__(self):
+        return
-class UserChosenView(UserChosenViewMixin, UserChosenResponseMixin, View):
-    pass
+class PokemonChooserViewSet(ChooserViewSet):
+    model = Pokemon
+    choose_one_text = "Choose a pokemon"
+    choose_another_text = "Choose another pokemon"
-class BaseUserChooserWidget(BaseChooser):
-    def get_instance(self, value):
-        if value is None:
-            return None
-        elif isinstance(value, dict):
-            return value
-        else:
-            r = requests.get("http://localhost:8000/api/users/%d/" % int(value))
-            r.raise_for_status()
-            return r.json()
-    def get_value_data_from_instance(self, instance):
-        return {
-            "id": instance["id"],
-            "title": instance["username"],
-        }
+pokemon_chooser_viewset = PokemonChooserViewSet("pokemon_chooser")
-class UserChooserViewSet(ChooserViewSet):
-    icon = "user"
-    choose_one_text = "Choose a user"
-    choose_another_text = "Choose another user"
-    edit_item_text = "Edit this user"
-    choose_view_class = UserChooseView
-    choose_results_view_class = UserChooseResultsView
-    chosen_view_class = UserChosenView
-    base_widget_class = BaseUserChooserWidget
+from wagtail import hooks
-user_chooser_viewset = UserChooserViewSet("user_chooser", url_prefix="user-chooser")
+from .views import pokemon_chooser_viewset
-If the data source implements its own pagination - meaning that the pagination mechanism built into the chooser should be bypassed - the `BaseChooseView.get_results_page(request)` method can be overridden instead of `get_object_list`. This should return an instance of `django.core.paginator.Page`. For example, if the API in the above example followed the conventions of the Wagtail API, implementing pagination with `offset` and `limit` URL parameters and returning a dict consisting of `meta` and `results`, the `BaseUserChooseView` implementation could be modified as follows:
-from django.core.paginator import Page, Paginator
-class APIPaginator(Paginator):
-    """
-    Customisation of Django's Paginator class for use when we don't want it to handle
-    slicing on the result set, but still want it to generate the page numbering based
-    on a known result count.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, count, per_page, **kwargs):
-        self._count = int(count)
-        super().__init__([], per_page, **kwargs)
-    @property
-    def count(self):
-        return self._count
-class BaseUserChooseView(BaseChooseView):
-    @property
-    def columns(self):
-        return [
-            TitleColumn(
-                "title",
-                label="Title",
-                accessor='username',
-                id_accessor='id',
-                url_name=self.chosen_url_name,
-                link_attrs={"data-chooser-modal-choice": True},
-            ),
-            Column(
-                "email", label="Email", accessor="email"
-            )
-        ]
-    def get_results_page(self, request):
-        try:
-            page_number = int(request.GET.get('p', 1))
-        except ValueError:
-            page_number = 1
-        r = requests.get("http://localhost:8000/api/users/", params={
-            'offset': (page_number - 1) * self.per_page,
-            'limit': self.per_page,
-        })
-        r.raise_for_status()
-        result = r.json()
-        paginator = APIPaginator(result['meta']['total_count'], self.per_page)
-        page = Page(result['items'], page_number, paginator)
-        return page
+def register_pokemon_chooser_viewset():
+    return pokemon_chooser_viewset

+ 1 - 0

@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ depth: 1
  * Document `WAGTAILADMIN_BASE_URL` on "Integrating Wagtail into a Django project" page (Shreshth Srivastava)
  * Document `WAGTAILADMIN_BASE_URL` on "Integrating Wagtail into a Django project" page (Shreshth Srivastava)
  * Replace incorrect screenshot for authors listing on tutorial (Shreshth Srivastava)
  * Replace incorrect screenshot for authors listing on tutorial (Shreshth Srivastava)
+ * Add documentation for building non-model-based choosers using the _queryish_ library (Matt Westcott)
 ### Maintenance
 ### Maintenance