@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ Changelog
* Fix: Use `gettext_lazy` on generic model views so that language settings are correctly used (Matt Westcott)
* Fix: Prevent JS error when reverting the spinner on a submit button after a validation error (LB (Ben) Johnston)
* Fix: Prevent crash when comparing page revisions that include `MultipleChooserPanel` (Matt Westcott)
+ * Fix: Ensure that title and slug continue syncing after entering non-URL-safe characters (LB (Ben) Johnston)
* Docs: Document how to add non-ModelAdmin views to a `ModelAdminGroup` (Onno Timmerman)
* Docs: Document how to add StructBlock data to a StreamField (Ramon Wenger)
* Docs: Update ReadTheDocs settings to v2 to resolve urllib3 issue in linkcheck extension (Thibaud Colas)