@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ from functools import wraps
from typing import Any, List, Mapping, Optional
from typing import Any, List, Mapping, Optional
from unittest import mock
from unittest import mock
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from django import forms
from django import forms
from django.conf import settings
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
@@ -27,6 +28,7 @@ from wagtail.admin.panels import (
+ TitleFieldPanel,
@@ -43,6 +45,7 @@ from wagtail.images import get_image_model
from wagtail.models import Comment, CommentReply, Page, Site
from wagtail.models import Comment, CommentReply, Page, Site
from wagtail.test.testapp.forms import ValidatedPageForm
from wagtail.test.testapp.forms import ValidatedPageForm
from wagtail.test.testapp.models import (
from wagtail.test.testapp.models import (
+ Advert,
@@ -2063,3 +2066,320 @@ class TestPanelIcons(WagtailTestUtils, TestCase):
with self.subTest(panel_type=type(panel)):
with self.subTest(panel_type=type(panel)):
self.assertEqual(bound_panel.icon, expected_icon)
self.assertEqual(bound_panel.icon, expected_icon)
self.assertIn(f"#icon-{expected_icon}", html)
self.assertIn(f"#icon-{expected_icon}", html)
+class TestTitleFieldPanel(WagtailTestUtils, TestCase):
+ fixtures = ["test.json"]
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.user = self.login()
+ self.request = get_dummy_request()
+ self.request.user = self.user
+ def get_edit_handler_html(
+ self,
+ edit_handler,
+ model=EventPage,
+ instance=None,
+ ):
+ edit_handler = edit_handler.bind_to_model(model)
+ form_class = edit_handler.get_form_class()
+ bound_edit_handler = edit_handler.get_bound_panel(
+ request=self.request,
+ form=form_class(),
+ instance=instance,
+ )
+ html = bound_edit_handler.render_form_content()
+ return BeautifulSoup(html, "html5lib")
+ @clear_edit_handler(Page)
+ def test_default_page_content_panels_uses_title_field(self):
+ edit_handler = Page.get_edit_handler()
+ first_inner_panel_child = edit_handler.children[0].children[0]
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(first_inner_panel_child, TitleFieldPanel))
+ def test_default_title_field_panel(self):
+ html = self.get_edit_handler_html(
+ ObjectList([TitleFieldPanel("title"), FieldPanel("slug")])
+ )
+ # check default classname is used
+ self.assertIsNotNone(html.find(attrs={"class": "w-panel title"}))
+ attrs = html.find("input").attrs
+ self.assertEqual(attrs["name"], "title")
+ self.assertEqual(attrs["placeholder"], "Page title*")
+ self.assertEqual(attrs["data-controller"], "w-sync")
+ self.assertEqual(attrs["data-w-sync-target-value"], "#id_slug")
+ self.assertEqual(
+ attrs["data-action"],
+ "focus->w-sync#check blur->w-sync#apply change->w-sync#apply keyup->w-sync#apply",
+ )
+ def test_not_using_apply_actions_if_live(self):
+ """
+ If the Page (or any model) has `live = True`, do not apply the actions by default.
+ Allow this to be overridden though.
+ """
+ event_live = EventPage.objects.get(slug="christmas")
+ self.assertEqual(event_live.live, True)
+ html = self.get_edit_handler_html(
+ ObjectList([TitleFieldPanel("title"), FieldPanel("slug")]),
+ instance=event_live,
+ )
+ self.assertIsNone(html.find("input").attrs.get("data-action"))
+ # allow to be overridden
+ html = self.get_edit_handler_html(
+ ObjectList(
+ [TitleFieldPanel("title", apply_if_live=True), FieldPanel("slug")]
+ ),
+ instance=event_live,
+ )
+ self.assertIsNotNone(html.find("input").attrs.get("data-action"))
+ def test_using_apply_actions_if_non_page_model(self):
+ html = self.get_edit_handler_html(
+ ObjectList([TitleFieldPanel("text", targets=["url"]), FieldPanel("url")]),
+ model=Advert,
+ )
+ attrs = html.find("input").attrs
+ self.assertEqual(attrs["data-controller"], "w-sync")
+ self.assertEqual(attrs["data-w-sync-target-value"], "#id_url")
+ self.assertIsNotNone(attrs["data-action"])
+ def test_using_apply_actions_if_non_page_model_with_live_property(self):
+ """
+ Check for instance being live should be agnostic to how that is implemented.
+ """
+ advert_live = Advert(text="Free sheepdog", url="https://example.com", id=5000)
+ advert_live.live = True
+ html = self.get_edit_handler_html(
+ ObjectList([TitleFieldPanel("text", targets=["url"]), FieldPanel("url")]),
+ model=Advert,
+ instance=advert_live,
+ )
+ attrs = html.find("input").attrs
+ self.assertEqual(attrs["data-controller"], "w-sync")
+ self.assertEqual(attrs["data-w-sync-target-value"], "#id_url")
+ self.assertIsNone(attrs.get("data-action"))
+ # apply_if_live should work the same when apply_if_live is True
+ html = self.get_edit_handler_html(
+ ObjectList(
+ [
+ TitleFieldPanel(
+ "text",
+ targets=["url"],
+ apply_if_live=True,
+ ),
+ FieldPanel("url"),
+ ]
+ ),
+ model=Advert,
+ instance=advert_live,
+ )
+ attrs = html.find("input").attrs
+ self.assertIsNotNone(attrs.get("data-action"))
+ def test_targets_override_with_empty(self):
+ html = self.get_edit_handler_html(
+ ObjectList([TitleFieldPanel("title", targets=[]), FieldPanel("slug")]),
+ )
+ attrs = html.find("input").attrs
+ self.assertEqual(attrs["data-w-sync-target-value"], "")
+ def test_targets_override_with_non_slug_field(self):
+ html = self.get_edit_handler_html(
+ ObjectList(
+ [TitleFieldPanel("location", targets=["title"]), FieldPanel("title")]
+ ),
+ )
+ attrs = html.find("input").attrs
+ self.assertEqual(attrs["data-controller"], "w-sync")
+ self.assertEqual(attrs["data-w-sync-target-value"], "#id_title")
+ def test_targets_override_with_multiple_fields(self):
+ html = self.get_edit_handler_html(
+ ObjectList(
+ [
+ TitleFieldPanel("title", targets=["cost", "location"]),
+ FieldPanel("cost"),
+ FieldPanel("location"),
+ ]
+ ),
+ )
+ attrs = html.find("input").attrs
+ self.assertEqual(attrs["data-controller"], "w-sync")
+ self.assertEqual(attrs["data-w-sync-target-value"], "#id_cost, #id_location")
+ def test_classname_override(self):
+ html = self.get_edit_handler_html(
+ ObjectList(
+ [TitleFieldPanel("title", classname="super-title"), FieldPanel("slug")]
+ )
+ )
+ # check default classname is not used
+ self.assertIsNone(html.find(attrs={"class": "w-panel title"}))
+ # check custom one is used
+ self.assertIsNotNone(html.find(attrs={"class": "w-panel super-title"}))
+ def test_merging_data_attrs(self):
+ widget = forms.TextInput(
+ attrs={
+ "data-controller": "w-clean",
+ "data-action": "w-clean#clean blur->w-clean#clean",
+ "data-w-clean-filters-value": "trim upper",
+ "data-w-sync-target-value": ".will-be-ignored",
+ }
+ )
+ html = self.get_edit_handler_html(
+ ObjectList([TitleFieldPanel("title", widget=widget), FieldPanel("slug")])
+ )
+ attrs = html.find("input").attrs
+ # data-controller should be merged
+ self.assertEqual(attrs["data-controller"], "w-clean w-sync")
+ # data-action should be merged
+ self.assertEqual(
+ attrs["data-action"],
+ " ".join(
+ [
+ "w-clean#clean blur->w-clean#clean",
+ "focus->w-sync#check blur->w-sync#apply change->w-sync#apply keyup->w-sync#apply",
+ ]
+ ),
+ )
+ # "data-w-sync-target-value" should be ignored if supplied in widget attrs
+ self.assertEqual(attrs["data-w-sync-target-value"], "#id_slug")
+ # other data attributes should be appended
+ self.assertEqual(attrs["data-w-clean-filters-value"], "trim upper")
+ def test_placeholder_override_false(self):
+ html = self.get_edit_handler_html(
+ ObjectList(
+ [TitleFieldPanel("title", placeholder=False), FieldPanel("slug")]
+ )
+ )
+ attrs = html.find("input").attrs
+ self.assertEqual(attrs["name"], "title")
+ self.assertEqual(attrs["data-controller"], "w-sync")
+ self.assertNotIn("placeholder", attrs)
+ def test_placeholder_override_none(self):
+ html = self.get_edit_handler_html(
+ ObjectList([TitleFieldPanel("title", placeholder=None), FieldPanel("slug")])
+ )
+ attrs = html.find("input").attrs
+ self.assertEqual(attrs["name"], "title")
+ self.assertEqual(attrs["data-controller"], "w-sync")
+ self.assertNotIn("placeholder", attrs)
+ def test_placeholder_override_empty_string(self):
+ html = self.get_edit_handler_html(
+ ObjectList([TitleFieldPanel("title", placeholder=""), FieldPanel("slug")])
+ )
+ attrs = html.find("input").attrs
+ self.assertEqual(attrs["name"], "title")
+ self.assertEqual(attrs["data-controller"], "w-sync")
+ self.assertNotIn("placeholder", attrs)
+ def test_placeholder_override_via_widget(self):
+ html = self.get_edit_handler_html(
+ ObjectList(
+ [
+ TitleFieldPanel(
+ "title",
+ widget=forms.TextInput(
+ attrs={"placeholder": "My custom placeholder"}
+ ),
+ ),
+ FieldPanel("slug"),
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ attrs = html.find("input").attrs
+ self.assertEqual(attrs["name"], "title")
+ self.assertEqual(attrs["data-controller"], "w-sync")
+ self.assertEqual(attrs["placeholder"], "My custom placeholder")
+ def test_placeholder_override_via_widget_over_kwarg(self):
+ html = self.get_edit_handler_html(
+ ObjectList(
+ [
+ TitleFieldPanel(
+ "title",
+ placeholder="PANEL placeholder",
+ widget=forms.TextInput(
+ attrs={"placeholder": "WIDGET placeholder"}
+ ),
+ ),
+ FieldPanel("slug"),
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ attrs = html.find("input").attrs
+ self.assertEqual(attrs["name"], "title")
+ self.assertEqual(attrs["data-controller"], "w-sync")
+ self.assertEqual(attrs["placeholder"], "WIDGET placeholder")
+ def test_placeholder_override_via_widget_over_false_kwarg(self):
+ html = self.get_edit_handler_html(
+ ObjectList(
+ [
+ TitleFieldPanel(
+ "title",
+ placeholder=False,
+ widget=forms.TextInput(
+ attrs={"placeholder": "WIDGET placeholder"}
+ ),
+ ),
+ FieldPanel("slug"),
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ attrs = html.find("input").attrs
+ self.assertEqual(attrs["name"], "title")
+ self.assertEqual(attrs["data-controller"], "w-sync")
+ self.assertEqual(attrs["placeholder"], "WIDGET placeholder")