@@ -20,6 +20,18 @@ A (possibly empty) :doc:`form media <django:topics/forms/media>` object defining
Any object implementing this API can be considered a valid component; it does not necessarily have to inherit from the `Component` class described below, and user code that works with components should not assume this (for example, it must not use `isinstance` to check whether a given value is a component).
+ Starting with version 6.0, Wagtail uses the [Laces](https://pypi.org/project/laces/) library to provide all the component related implementations.
+ The Laces library was extracted from Wagtail to make the concept of "template components" available to the wider Django ecosystem.
+ All import paths shown below continue to work, but they are only references to the implementations in Laces.
+ "Template components" are not restricted to extensions of the Wagtail admin. You can use the concepts and tools below in your user-facing code as well.
+ You can find more information on the use of components in the [Laces documentation](https://github.com/tbrlpld/laces/blob/main/README.md).
## Creating components