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Update sphinx-wagtail-theme and search implementation (#12521)

Thibaud Colas пре 4 месеци

+ 0 - 39

@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-.search .algolia-docsearch-suggestion--highlight,
-.algolia-autocomplete .algolia-docsearch-suggestion--highlight {
-  color: #2980b9;
-  background: #f1c40f;
-.algolia-autocomplete {
-  width: 100%;
-#search-results a,
-a.algolia-docsearch-suggestion {
-  border-bottom: 0;
-#search-results h2 {
-  display: none;
-/* override algolia search input colors (set on element via JS) for dark mode alignment and radius for left icon */
-#search-form .algolia-autocomplete > .form-control {
-  background: #fff none repeat scroll 0% 0% padding-box !important;
-  border-bottom-left-radius: 0 !important;
-  border-top-left-radius: 0 !important;
-body.theme-dark #search-form .algolia-autocomplete > .form-control {
-  background: #1b1238 none repeat scroll 0% 0% padding-box !important;
-/* override algolia search default styles to prevent overflow on mobile devices */
-@media (max-width: 991px) {
-  #algolia-autocomplete-listbox-0 {
-    width: auto;
-    min-width: 0;
-  }

+ 0 - 34

@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-.pagination {
-  display: flex;
-  justify-content: center;
-  gap: 2rem;
-  margin-bottom: 2rem;
-.pagination-list {
-  display: flex;
-  gap: 2rem;
-  margin: 0;
-  padding: 0;
-  list-style: none;
-.pagination-next {
-  border: none;
-  background: none;
-  text-decoration: 2px solid underline;
-  text-decoration-color: #3beccd;
-  text-underline-offset: 3px;
-.pagination-button[aria-current='page'] {
-  background-color: #40efc5;
-body.theme-dark .pagination-button:not([aria-current]),
-body.theme-dark .pagination-next,
-body.theme-dark .pagination-previous {
-  color: #fff;

+ 0 - 86

@@ -1,95 +1,9 @@
 {% extends "!layout.html" %}
-{% set docsearch_version = '2' %}
-{% set docsearch_base = 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/docsearch.js@' ~ docsearch_version ~ '/dist/cdn/' %}
 {% block extrahead %}
-    <meta name="docsearch:version" content="{% if READTHEDOCS and current_version %}{{ current_version }}{% else %}unknown{% endif %}" />
-    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ docsearch_base ~ 'docsearch.min.css' }}"/>
-    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ pathto('_static/css/docsearch.overrides.css', 1) }}" />
-    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ pathto('_static/css/pagination.css', 1) }}" />
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ pathto('_static/css/custom.css', 1) }}" />
 {% endblock %}
-{% block search %}
-    <script async defer data-domain="docs.wagtail.org" src="https://plausible.io/js/plausible.js"></script>
-    <script src="{{ docsearch_base }}docsearch.min.js"></script>
-    <script>
-        /**
-         * Get version of the currently served docs.
-         *
-         * PR builds have their version set to the PR ID (for example "6753").
-         * If the docs are built for a PR or local development, use the "latest" facet filter.
-         * Otherwise, use the facet filter for the current version.
-         */
-        function getReadTheDocsVersion() {
-            const meta = document.querySelector('meta[name="docsearch:version"]');
-            const rtd_version = meta ? meta.content : 'latest';
-            const version = rtd_version.match(/^(\d+|unknown)$/) ? 'latest' : rtd_version;
-            return version;
-        }
-        function getVersionFacetFilter() {
-            return `version:${getReadTheDocsVersion()}`;
-        }
-        /**
-         * Return true (debug: on) for local builds or Read the Docs PR previews.
-         *
-         * The debug mode allows inspection of the dropdown.
-         */
-        function getSearchDebugMode() {
-            let debug = false
-            if (window.READTHEDOCS_DATA === undefined) {
-                // When developing locally, the `window.READTHEDOCS_DATA` object does not exist.
-                debug = true
-            } else {
-                // When PR preview on Readthedocs, then the version can be converted into
-                // a number. This does not work for the production version identifiers
-                // like 'stable', 'latest', 'v2.12', etc. In that case `Number()` is `NaN`.
-                const versionNumber = Number(window.READTHEDOCS_DATA.version)
-                debug = !isNaN(versionNumber)
-            }
-            return debug
-        }
-        function docSearchReady() {
-            /**
-             * Configure Algolia DocSearch.
-             * See https://github.com/wagtail/wagtail/wiki/Documentation-search for index configuration.
-             */
-            const search = docsearch({
-                appId: 'XSYGEO7KMJ',
-                apiKey: 'd50a485660ed9280079aada4e09454b2',
-                indexName: 'wagtail',
-                inputSelector: '#searchbox [name="q"]',
-                algoliaOptions: {
-                    facetFilters: [getVersionFacetFilter()],
-                },
-                autocompleteOptions: {
-                    // Do NOT automatically select the first suggestion in the dropdown.
-                    // https://github.com/algolia/autocomplete/blob/45fa32d008620cf52bf4a90530be338543dfba7f/README.md#global-options
-                    autoSelect: false
-                },
-                debug: getSearchDebugMode(),
-            })
-            // Change page styles when the dropdown is open, to lock scrolling.
-            search.autocomplete.on('autocomplete:updated', function (event) {
-                const isOpen = event.target.value.trim() !== '';
-                document.body.classList.toggle('body--autocomplete-open', isOpen);
-            });
-            search.autocomplete.on('autocomplete:closed', function (event) {
-                document.body.classList.toggle('body--autocomplete-open', false);
-            });
-            return search
-        }
-        docSearchReady();
-    </script>
-{% endblock %}
 {% block footer %}
     {{ super() }}
     <template data-promotion-banner="" data-clear-duration="90" data-date-until="2024-06-22">

+ 0 - 187

@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-{% extends "layout.html" %}
-{% set title = _('Search') %}
-{% block body %}
-    <noscript>
-        <div id="fallback" class="admonition warning">
-            <p class="last">
-                {% trans trimmed %}Please activate JavaScript to enable the search
-                    functionality.{% endtrans %}
-            </p>
-        </div>
-    </noscript>
-    <div id="search-results">
-    </div>
-    <nav id="pagination" class="pagination" aria-label="pagination" hidden="true" >
-        <button class="pagination-previous" id="pagination-previous">
-            ← Previous
-        </button>
-        <ul class="pagination-list"></ul>
-        <button class="pagination-next" id="pagination-next">
-            Next →
-        </button>
-    </nav>
-{% endblock %}
-{% block footer %}
-    {{ super() }}
-    <script>
-        function runSearchPageSearch(page) {
-            const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search)
-            const query = urlParams.get('q')
-            const searchResultsContainer = document.getElementById('search-results')
-            // Erase previous results
-            searchResultsContainer.innerHTML = ""
-            document.querySelector('.pagination-list').innerHTML = ""
-            addHeadingForQuery(query, searchResultsContainer)
-            const docSearch = docSearchReady()
-            const index = docSearch.client.initIndex('wagtail')
-            index.search(
-                query,
-                {
-                    hitsPerPage: 100,
-                    page: page,
-                    facetFilters: [getVersionFacetFilter()]
-                }
-            )
-                .then(result => {
-                // Display pagination if more than 1 page returned
-                    let nbPages = result["nbPages"]
-                    if (nbPages > 1) {
-                        document.querySelector("#pagination").hidden = false;
-                        displayPagination(page, nbPages)
-                    }
-                // Display hits
-                    let hits = result["hits"]
-                    addResultsList(hits, query, searchResultsContainer)
-                })
-                .catch((error) => console.log(error))
-        }
-        function displayPagination(page, totalPages) {
-            const pagination = document.querySelector("#pagination")
-            const paginationList = pagination.querySelector(".pagination-list")
-            // Hide previous/next button if showing first/last page
-            pagination.querySelector(".pagination-previous").hidden = false;
-            pagination.querySelector(".pagination-previous").hidden = page === 0;
-            pagination.querySelector(".pagination-next").hidden = page === totalPages -1;
-            // Display at most "toBeDisplayed" page links in the paginator
-            const toBeDisplayed = 7
-            let [start, end] = setStartEndForPaginator(page, totalPages, toBeDisplayed)
-            for (let i = start; i < end; i++) {
-                let newPaginationItem = document.createElement("li")
-                let newPaginationbutton = document.createElement("button")
-                newPaginationbutton.classList.add("pagination-button")
-                newPaginationbutton.innerHTML = i + 1
-                if (i == page) {
-                    newPaginationbutton.setAttribute("aria-label", `page ${i+1}`)
-                    newPaginationbutton.setAttribute("aria-current", "page")
-                } else {
-                    newPaginationbutton.setAttribute("aria-label", `Go to page ${i+1}`)
-                }
-                // Register event handlers
-                newPaginationbutton.onclick = function() {
-                    runSearchPageSearch(i)
-                };
-                pagination.querySelector(".pagination-previous").onclick = function() {
-                    runSearchPageSearch(page - 1)
-                };
-                pagination.querySelector(".pagination-next").onclick = function() {
-                    runSearchPageSearch(page + 1)
-                };
-                newPaginationItem.append(newPaginationbutton)
-                paginationList.append(newPaginationItem)
-            }
-        }
-        function setStartEndForPaginator(currentPage, totalPages, nbPagesLinkToDisplay) {
-            let start = 0
-            let end = totalPages
-            if (totalPages > nbPagesLinkToDisplay) {
-                start = currentPage
-                if (totalPages - currentPage < nbPagesLinkToDisplay) {
-                    start = totalPages - nbPagesLinkToDisplay
-                }
-                if (totalPages - start > nbPagesLinkToDisplay) {
-                    end = currentPage + nbPagesLinkToDisplay
-                }
-            }
-            return [start, end]
-        }
-        function addHeadingForQuery(query, parentElement) {
-            const searchHeading = document.createElement('h1')
-            searchHeading.textContent = `Search results for “${query}”`
-            parentElement.appendChild(searchHeading)
-        }
-        function addResultsList(hits, query, parentElement) {
-            const searchResultsList = document.createElement('ul')
-            searchResultsList.className = "search"
-            for (hit of hits) {
-                const hitElement = createHitElement(hit, query)
-                searchResultsList.appendChild(hitElement)
-            }
-            parentElement.appendChild(searchResultsList)
-        }
-        function createHitElement(hitData, query) {
-            const pageURL = new URL(hitData.url)
-            pageURL.hash = '';
-            pageURL.searchParams.set('highlight', query);
-            const anchorURL = new URL(hitData.url);
-            anchorURL.searchParams.set('highlight', query);
-            const result = hitData._highlightResult
-            const hitListElement = document.createElement('li')
-            const hierarchies = Object.values(result.hierarchy);
-            const firstHierarchyLevel = hierarchies[0];
-            const lastHierarchyLevel = hierarchies[hierarchies.length - 1];
-            const pageLink = document.createElement('a')
-            hitListElement.appendChild(pageLink)
-            pageLink.innerHTML = firstHierarchyLevel.value
-            pageLink.href = pageURL
-            const contextElement = document.createElement('div')
-            hitListElement.appendChild(contextElement)
-            contextElement.className = 'context'
-            if (lastHierarchyLevel && lastHierarchyLevel !== firstHierarchyLevel ) {
-                const contextLinkContainer = document.createElement('div')
-                contextElement.appendChild(contextLinkContainer)
-                const contextLink = document.createElement('a')
-                contextLinkContainer.appendChild(contextLink)
-                contextLink.innerHTML = lastHierarchyLevel.value
-                contextLink.href = anchorURL
-            }
-            if (result.content) {
-                const contentElement = document.createElement('div')
-                contentElement.innerHTML = result.content.value
-                contextElement.appendChild(contentElement)
-            }
-            return hitListElement
-        }
-        window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => runSearchPageSearch(0));
-    </script>
-{% endblock %}

+ 0 - 13

@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-{%- if builder != "singlehtml" %}
-    <div id="searchbox" class="" role="search">
-        <form id="search-form" action="{{ pathto('search') }}" autocomplete="off" method="get">
-            <div class="input-group flex-nowrap">
-                <div class="input-group-prepend">
-                    <div class="input-group-text border-right-0 bg-white py-3 pl-3 pr-2"><span class="fas fa-search"></span></div>
-                </div>
-                <input class="form-control py-3 pr-3 pl-3 h-100 border-left-0" type="search" name="q" placeholder="Search" aria-label="Search" id="searchinput" />
-            </div>
-            <input type="submit" style="visibility:hidden;position:absolute;display:block;">
-        </form>
-    </div>
-{%- endif %}

+ 1 - 2

@@ -72,9 +72,8 @@ documentation_extras = [
-    "sphinx-wagtail-theme==6.3.0",
+    "sphinx-wagtail-theme==6.4.0",
-    "sphinx_copybutton>=0.5,<1.0",