@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import { OrderableController } from './OrderableController';
describe('OrderableController', () => {
- const eventNames = ['w-orderable:ready'];
+ const eventNames = ['w-orderable:ready', 'w-messages:add'];
const events = {};
@@ -26,25 +26,30 @@ describe('OrderableController', () => {
const setup = async (
html = `
- <section>
+ <form>
+ <input name="csrfmiddlewaretoken" value="__MOCK_CSRF__" />
+ class="orderable"
+ id="orderable"
- data-w-orderable-message-value="'__label__' has been updated!"
+ data-w-orderable-active-class="is-active"
+ data-w-orderable-message-value="'__LABEL__' has been updated!"
+ data-w-orderable-url-value="/base/url/999999"
- <li data-w-orderable-target="item" data-w-orderable-item-id="73" data-w-orderable-item-label="Beef">
- <button class="handle" type="button" data-w-orderable-target="handle" data-action="keyup.up->w-orderable#up:prevent keyup.down->w-orderable#down:prevent keydown.enter->w-orderable#apply">--</button>
+ <li id="item-73" data-w-orderable-target="item" data-w-orderable-item-id="73" data-w-orderable-item-label="Beef">
+ <button class="handle" type="button" data-w-orderable-target="handle" data-action="keydown.up->w-orderable#up:prevent keydown.down->w-orderable#down:prevent keydown.enter->w-orderable#apply">--</button>
Item 73
- <li data-w-orderable-target="item" data-w-orderable-item-id="75" data-w-orderable-item-label="Cheese">
- <button class="handle" type="button" data-w-orderable-target="handle" data-action="keyup.up->w-orderable#up:prevent keyup.down->w-orderable#down:prevent keydown.enter->w-orderable#apply">--</button>
+ <li id="item-75" data-w-orderable-target="item" data-w-orderable-item-id="75" data-w-orderable-item-label="Cheese">
+ <button class="handle" type="button" data-w-orderable-target="handle" data-action="keydown.up->w-orderable#up:prevent keydown.down->w-orderable#down:prevent keydown.enter->w-orderable#apply">--</button>
Item 75
- <li data-w-orderable-target="item" data-w-orderable-item-id="93" data-w-orderable-item-label="Santa">
- <button class="handle" type="button" data-w-orderable-target="handle" data-action="keyup.up->w-orderable#up:prevent keyup.down->w-orderable#down:prevent keydown.enter->w-orderable#apply">--</button>
+ <li id="item-93" data-w-orderable-target="item" data-w-orderable-item-id="93" data-w-orderable-item-label="Santa">
+ <button class="handle" type="button" data-w-orderable-target="handle" data-action="keydown.up->w-orderable#up:prevent keydown.down->w-orderable#down:prevent keydown.enter->w-orderable#apply">--</button>
Item 93
- </section>`,
+ </form>`,
identifier = 'w-orderable',
) => {
document.body.innerHTML = `<main>${html}</main>`;
@@ -74,9 +79,10 @@ describe('OrderableController', () => {
eventNames.forEach((name) => {
events[name] = [];
+ jest.clearAllMocks();
- describe('drag & drop', () => {
+ describe('base behavior', () => {
it('should dispatch a ready event', async () => {
@@ -88,5 +94,183 @@ describe('OrderableController', () => {
order: ['73', '75', '93'],
+ it('should destroy the sortable instance on disconnect', async () => {
+ const [controller] = await setup();
+ expect(controller.sortable).toBeInstanceOf(Object);
+ const spy = jest.spyOn(controller.sortable, 'destroy');
+ await Promise.resolve(
+ document.getElementById('orderable').removeAttribute('data-controller'),
+ );
+ expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ });
+ });
+ /**
+ * To avoid the complexity of mocking drag & drop in JSDOM/Jest - simply confirm the options
+ */
+ describe('using sortable.js library with the correct options', () => {
+ it('should set up callbacks to support drag & drop', async () => {
+ const [controller] = await setup();
+ expect([...document.getElementById('orderable').classList]).toEqual([
+ 'orderable',
+ ]);
+ // emulate a drag start
+ controller.sortable.options.onStart();
+ // it should set the active class
+ expect([...document.getElementById('orderable').classList]).toEqual([
+ 'orderable',
+ 'is-active',
+ ]);
+ const item = document.querySelector('li:first-of-type');
+ // emulate a drag end (no change)
+ controller.sortable.options.onEnd({ item, oldIndex: 0, newIndex: 0 });
+ expect(global.fetch).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+ // it should remove the active class
+ expect([...document.getElementById('orderable').classList]).toEqual([
+ 'orderable',
+ ]);
+ fetch.mockResponseSuccess('');
+ // emulate a drag end (with change)
+ controller.sortable.options.onEnd({ item, oldIndex: 0, newIndex: 2 });
+ expect(global.fetch).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/base/url/73?position=2', {
+ body: expect.any(Object),
+ method: 'POST',
+ });
+ });
+ it('should set up the correct data attribute references for sortable.js', async () => {
+ const [controller] = await setup();
+ expect(controller.sortable.options).toEqual(
+ expect.objectContaining({
+ dataIdAttr: 'data-w-orderable-item-id',
+ draggable: '[data-w-orderable-target="item"]',
+ handle: '[data-w-orderable-target="handle"]',
+ }),
+ );
+ const [controllerWithDifferentIdentifier] = await setup(
+ `<ul id="orderable" data-controller="w-something"></ul>`,
+ 'w-something',
+ );
+ expect(controllerWithDifferentIdentifier.sortable.options).toEqual(
+ expect.objectContaining({
+ dataIdAttr: 'data-w-something-item-id',
+ draggable: '[data-w-something-target="item"]',
+ handle: '[data-w-something-target="handle"]',
+ }),
+ );
+ });
+ it('should set up the classes', async () => {
+ const [controller] = await setup(
+ `<ul
+ id="orderable"
+ data-controller="w-orderable"
+ data-w-orderable-chosen-class="is-chosen"
+ data-w-orderable-drag-class="is-dragging"
+ data-w-orderable-ghost-class="is-ghost"
+ >
+ </ul>`,
+ );
+ expect(controller.sortable.options).toEqual(
+ expect.objectContaining({
+ chosenClass: 'is-chosen',
+ dragClass: 'is-dragging',
+ ghostClass: 'is-ghost',
+ }),
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe('manually moving', () => {
+ const UP = ['keydown', { key: 'ArrowUp', keyCode: 38 }];
+ const DOWN = ['keydown', { key: 'ArrowDown', keyCode: 40 }];
+ const ENTER = ['keydown', { key: 'Enter', keyCode: 13 }];
+ it('should support moving to another position', async () => {
+ const [controller] = await setup();
+ expect(controller.sortable).toBeInstanceOf(Object);
+ expect(controller.order).toEqual(['73', '75', '93']);
+ expect(document.activeElement).toEqual(document.body);
+ const sortSpy = jest.spyOn(controller.sortable, 'sort');
+ const handle = document.querySelector('#item-75 button.handle');
+ await Promise.resolve(handle.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent(...DOWN)));
+ expect(sortSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(['73', '93', '75'], true);
+ expect(document.activeElement).toEqual(handle); // keep focus on the handle (after move)
+ // it should not error when moving down beyond the last element
+ await Promise.resolve(handle.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent(...DOWN)));
+ expect(sortSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(['73', '93', '75'], true);
+ expect(document.activeElement).toEqual(handle); // keep focus on the handle (after move)
+ await Promise.resolve(handle.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent(...UP)));
+ await Promise.resolve(handle.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent(...UP)));
+ await Promise.resolve(handle.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent(...UP)));
+ expect(sortSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(['75', '73', '93'], true);
+ });
+ it('should allow applying a manually re-ordered item', async () => {
+ const [controller] = await setup();
+ expect(events['w-messages:add']).toHaveLength(0);
+ expect(controller.sortable).toBeInstanceOf(Object);
+ expect(controller.order).toEqual(['73', '75', '93']);
+ expect(global.fetch).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+ const handle = document.querySelector('#item-93 button.handle');
+ await Promise.resolve(handle.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent(...UP)));
+ expect(global.fetch).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+ fetch.mockResponseSuccess('');
+ await Promise.resolve(handle.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent(...ENTER)));
+ expect(global.fetch).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/base/url/93?position=1', {
+ body: expect.any(FormData),
+ method: 'POST',
+ });
+ expect(
+ global.fetch.mock.calls[0][1].body.get('csrfmiddlewaretoken'),
+ ).toEqual('__MOCK_CSRF__');
+ await Promise.resolve();
+ expect(events['w-messages:add']).toHaveLength(1);
+ expect(events['w-messages:add'][0]).toHaveProperty('detail', {
+ clear: true,
+ text: "'Santa' has been updated!",
+ type: 'success',
+ });
+ });