@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+import { Application, Controller } from '@hotwired/stimulus';
+import { initStimulus } from './initStimulus';
+ * Example controller (shortcut method definitions object) from documentation
+ */
+const wordCountController = {
+ values: { max: { default: 10, type: Number } },
+ },
+ connect() {
+ this.setupOutput();
+ this.updateCount();
+ },
+ setupOutput() {
+ if (this.output) return;
+ const template = document.createElement('template');
+ template.innerHTML = `<output name='word-count' for='${this.element.id}'></output>`;
+ const output = template.content.firstChild;
+ this.element.insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', output);
+ this.output = output;
+ },
+ updateCount(event) {
+ const value = event ? event.target.value : this.element.value;
+ const words = (value || '').split(' ');
+ this.output.textContent = `${words.length} / ${this.maxValue} words`;
+ },
+ disconnect() {
+ this.output && this.output.remove();
+ },
+ * Example controller from documentation as an ES6 class
+ */
+class WordCountController extends Controller {
+ static values = { max: { default: 10, type: Number } };
+ connect() {
+ const output = document.createElement('output');
+ output.setAttribute('name', 'word-count');
+ output.setAttribute('for', this.element.id);
+ output.style.float = 'right';
+ this.element.insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', output);
+ this.output = output;
+ this.updateCount();
+ }
+ setupOutput() {
+ if (this.output) return;
+ const template = document.createElement('template');
+ template.innerHTML = `<output name='word-count' for='${this.element.id}' style='float: right;'></output>`;
+ const output = template.content.firstChild;
+ this.element.insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', output);
+ this.output = output;
+ }
+ updateCount(event) {
+ const value = event ? event.target.value : this.element.value;
+ const words = (value || '').split(' ');
+ this.output.textContent = `${words.length} / ${this.maxValue} words`;
+ }
+ disconnect() {
+ this.output && this.output.remove();
+ }
+describe('initStimulus', () => {
+ const mockControllerConnected = jest.fn();
+ class TestMockController extends Controller {
+ static targets = ['item'];
+ connect() {
+ mockControllerConnected();
+ this.itemTargets.forEach((item) => {
+ item.setAttribute('hidden', '');
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ beforeAll(() => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = `
+ <main>
+ <section data-controller="w-test-mock">
+ <div id="item" data-w-test-mock-target="item"></div>
+ </section>
+ </main>`;
+ });
+ let application;
+ it('should initialise a stimulus application', () => {
+ const definitions = [
+ { identifier: 'w-test-mock', controllerConstructor: TestMockController },
+ ];
+ expect(mockControllerConnected).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+ application = initStimulus({ debug: false, definitions });
+ expect(application).toBeInstanceOf(Application);
+ });
+ it('should have set the debug value based on the option provided', () => {
+ expect(application.debug).toEqual(false);
+ });
+ it('should have loaded the controller definitions supplied', () => {
+ expect(mockControllerConnected).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ expect(application.controllers).toHaveLength(1);
+ expect(application.controllers[0]).toBeInstanceOf(TestMockController);
+ });
+ it('should support registering a controller via an object with the createController static method', async () => {
+ const section = document.createElement('section');
+ section.id = 'example-a';
+ section.innerHTML = `<input value="some words" id="example-a-input" data-controller="example-a" data-action="change->example-a#updateCount" />`;
+ // create a controller and register it
+ application.register(
+ 'example-a',
+ application.constructor.createController(wordCountController),
+ );
+ // before controller element added - should not include an `output` element
+ expect(document.querySelector('#example-a > output')).toEqual(null);
+ document.querySelector('section').after(section);
+ await Promise.resolve({});
+ // after controller connected - should have an output element
+ expect(document.querySelector('#example-a > output').innerHTML).toEqual(
+ '2 / 10 words',
+ );
+ await Promise.resolve({});
+ // should respond to changes on the input
+ const input = document.querySelector('#example-a > input');
+ input.setAttribute('value', 'even more words');
+ input.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
+ expect(document.querySelector('#example-a > output').innerHTML).toEqual(
+ '3 / 10 words',
+ );
+ // removal of the input should also remove the output (disconnect method)
+ input.remove();
+ await Promise.resolve({});
+ // should call the disconnect method (removal of the injected HTML)
+ expect(document.querySelector('#example-a > output')).toEqual(null);
+ // clean up
+ section.remove();
+ });
+ it('should support the documented approach for registering a controller via a class with register', async () => {
+ const section = document.createElement('section');
+ section.id = 'example-b';
+ section.innerHTML = `<input value="some words" id="example-b-input" data-controller="example-b" data-action="change->example-b#updateCount" data-example-b-max-value="5" />`;
+ // register a controller
+ application.register('example-b', WordCountController);
+ // before controller element added - should not include an `output` element
+ expect(document.querySelector('#example-b > output')).toEqual(null);
+ document.querySelector('section').after(section);
+ await Promise.resolve({});
+ // after controller connected - should have an output element
+ expect(document.querySelector('#example-b > output').innerHTML).toEqual(
+ '2 / 5 words',
+ );
+ await Promise.resolve({});
+ // should respond to changes on the input
+ const input = document.querySelector('#example-b > input');
+ input.setAttribute('value', 'even more words');
+ input.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
+ expect(document.querySelector('#example-b > output').innerHTML).toEqual(
+ '3 / 5 words',
+ );
+ // removal of the input should also remove the output (disconnect method)
+ input.remove();
+ await Promise.resolve({});
+ // should call the disconnect method (removal of the injected HTML)
+ expect(document.querySelector('#example-b > output')).toEqual(null);
+ // clean up
+ section.remove();
+ });
+ it('should provide access to a base Controller class on the returned application instance', () => {
+ expect(application.constructor.Controller).toEqual(Controller);
+ });
+describe('createController', () => {
+ const createController = initStimulus().constructor.createController;
+ it('should safely create a Stimulus Controller class if no args provided', () => {
+ const CustomController = createController();
+ expect(CustomController.prototype instanceof Controller).toBeTruthy();
+ });
+ it('should create a Stimulus Controller class with static properties', () => {
+ const someMethod = jest.fn();
+ const CustomController = createController({
+ STATIC: { targets: ['source'] },
+ someMethod,
+ });
+ expect(CustomController.targets).toEqual(['source']);
+ expect(CustomController.someMethod).toBeUndefined();
+ expect(CustomController.prototype.someMethod).toEqual(someMethod);
+ });