Tom Dyson 7 lat temu
7 zmienionych plików z 164 dodań i 94 usunięć
  1. 0 0
  2. BIN
  3. 64 0
  4. 1 1
  5. 92 0
  6. 0 91
  7. 7 2

+ 0 - 0 → .github/


+ 64 - 0

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+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-include LICENSE *.rst *.txt
+include LICENSE *.rst *.txt *.md
 graft wagtail
 prune wagtail/wagtailadmin/static_src
 global-exclude __pycache__

+ 92 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+<h1 align="center">
+	<img width="343" src="" alt="Wagtail">
+	<br>
+	<br>
+Wagtail is an open source content management system built on Django, with a strong community and commercial support. It's focused on user experience, and offers precise control for designers and developers.
+![Wagtail screenshot](
+### Features
+* A fast, attractive interface for authors
+* Complete control over front-end design and structure
+* Scales to millions of pages and thousands of editors
+* Fast out of the box, cache-friendly when you need it
+* Content API for 'headless' sites with de-coupled front-end
+* Runs on a Raspberry Pi or a multi-datacenter cloud platform 
+* StreamField encourages flexible content without compromising structure
+* Powerful, integrated search, using Elasticsearch or PostgreSQL
+* Excellent support for images and embedded content
+* Multi-site and multi-language ready
+* Embraces and extends Django
+Find out more at [](
+### Getting started
+Wagtail works with Python 3, on any platform.
+    pip install wagtail
+    wagtail start mysite
+    cd mysite
+    python migrate
+    python createsuperuser
+    python runserver
+For detailed installation and setup docs, see [](
+### Who’s using it?
+Wagtail is used by NASA, Google, Oxfam, the NHS, Mozilla, MIT, the Red Cross, Salesforce, NBC, BMW, and the US and UK governments. Add your own Wagtail site to [](
+### Documentation
+[]( is the full reference for Wagtail, and includes guides for developers, designers and editors, alongside release notes and our roadmap.
+### Compatibility
+Wagtail supports:
+* Django 1.11.x and 2.0
+* Python 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6
+* PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite as database backends
+Previous versions of Wagtail (1.13 and earlier) additionally supported Python 2.7.
+### Community Support
+There is an active community of Wagtail users and developers responding to questions on [Stack Overflow]( When posting questions, please read Stack Overflow's advice on [how to ask questions]( and remember to tag your question "wagtail".
+For topics and discussions that do not fit Stack Overflow's question and answer format, we have a [Slack workspace]( and a [Wagtail Support mailing list](!forum/wagtail).
+We maintain a curated list of third party packages, articles and other resources at [Awesome Wagtail](
+### Commercial Support
+Wagtail is sponsored by [Torchbox]( If you need help implementing or hosting Wagtail, please contact us: See also []( for expert Wagtail developers around the world.
+### Contributing
+If you're a Python or Django developer, fork the repo and get stuck in! We run a separate group for developers of Wagtail itself at!forum/wagtail-developers (please note that this is not for support requests).
+You might like to start by reviewing the [contributing guidelines]( and checking issues with the [good first issue]( label.
+We also welcome translations for Wagtail's interface. Translation work should be submitted through [Transifex](
+### Thanks
+We thank [BrowserStack](, who provide the project with free access to their live web-based browser testing tool, and automated Selenium cloud testing.
+[![Build Status](](

+ 0 - 91

@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-.. image::
-    :target:
-.. image::
-    :target:
-.. image::
-    :target:
-.. image::
-    :target:
-Wagtail CMS
-Wagtail is a content management system built on Django. It's focused on user experience,
-and offers precise control for designers and developers.
-.. image::
-   :width: 728 px
-* A fast, attractive interface for authors and editors
-* Complete control over design with standard Django templates
-* Configure content types through standard Django models
-* Fast out of the box. Cache-friendly if you need it
-* Tightly integrated search
-* Strong document and image management
-* Wide support for embedded content
-* Straightforward integration with existing Django apps
-* Simple, configurable permissions
-* Workflow support
-* An extensible `form builder <>`_
-* Multi-site and multi-language support
-* Excellent `test coverage <>`_
-Find out more at ` <>`_.
-Getting started
-.. code-block:: sh
-    pip install wagtail
-    wagtail start mysite
-    cd mysite
-    python migrate
-    python createsuperuser
-    python runserver
-then sign in at
-For detailed installation and setup docs, see ` <>`_.
-Who's using it?
-` <>`_ lists some of the public Wagtail sites we know about; please `add your own <>`_.
-` <>`_ is the full reference for Wagtail, and includes guides for developers, designers and editors, alongside release notes and our roadmap.
-Community Support
-There is an active community of Wagtail users and developers responding to questions on `Stack Overflow <>`_. When posting questions, please read Stack Overflow's advice on `how to ask questions <>`_ and remember to tag your question with "wagtail".
-For topics and discussions that do not fit Stack Overflow's question-and-answer format, there is also a `Wagtail Support mailing list <!forum/wagtail>`_ and a `Slack workspace <>`_.
-Commercial Support
-Wagtail is sponsored by `Torchbox <>`_. If you need help implementing or hosting Wagtail, please contact us:
-We thank `BrowserStack <>`_, who provide the project with free access to their live web-based browser testing tool, and automated Selenium cloud testing.
-.. image::
-    :target:
-    :width: 219 px
-Wagtail supports Django 1.11.x and 2.0 on Python 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6. Supported database backends are PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite.
-If you're a Python or Django developer, fork the repo and get stuck in! We run a separate group for developers of Wagtail itself at!forum/wagtail-developers (please note that this is not for support requests).
-You might like to start by reviewing the `contributing guidelines <>`_ and checking issues with the `good first issue <>`_ label.
-We also welcome translations for Wagtail's interface. Translation work should be submitted through `Transifex <>`_.

+ 7 - 2

@@ -67,14 +67,19 @@ documentation_extras = [
-    description='A Django content management system focused on flexibility and user experience',
+    description='A Django content management system.',
     author='Wagtail core team + contributors',
     author_email='',  # For support queries, please see
-    long_description=open('README.rst').read(),
+    long_description="Wagtail is an open source content management \
+system built on Django, with a strong community and commercial support. \
+It’s focused on user experience, and offers precise control for \
+designers and developers.\n\n\
+For more details, see, and \
         'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
         'Environment :: Web Environment',