@@ -38,6 +38,14 @@ TableBlock
See :doc:`/reference/contrib/table_block` for documentation. This feature was developed by Moritz Pfeiffer, David Seddon and Brad Busenius.
+Improved link handling in rich text
+.. image:: ../_static/images/releasenotes_1_5_unlink.gif
+The user experience around inserting, editing and removing links inside rich text areas has been greatly improved: link destinations are shown as tooltips, and existing links can be edited as well as unlinked. This feature was developed by Loic Teixeira.
Improvements to the "Image serve view"
@@ -54,10 +62,6 @@ This view, which is used for requesting image thumbnails from an external app, h
Minor features
- * Moved lesser-user actions in the page explorer into a 'More' dropdown
- * Added a hook :ref:`register_page_listing_buttons` for adding action buttons to the page explorer
- * Added the ability to edit existing links in the rich text editor (Loic Teixeira)
- * Rich text fields now show link destinations as tooltips (Loic Teixeira)
* Password reset email now reminds the user of their username (Matt Westcott)
* Added :ref:`jinja2 support <settings_tag_jinja2>` for the ``settings`` template tag (Tim Heap)
* Added 'revisions' action to pages list (Roel Bruggink)