@@ -1590,8 +1590,8 @@ class Page(AbstractPage, index.Indexed, ClusterableModel, metaclass=PageBase):
such as updating the ``url_path`` value of descendant page to reflect changes
to this page's slug.
- New pages should generally be saved via the `add_child() <https://django-treebeard.readthedocs.io/en/latest/mp_tree.html#treebeard.mp_tree.MP_Node.add_child>`_
- or `add_sibling() <https://django-treebeard.readthedocs.io/en/latest/mp_tree.html#treebeard.mp_tree.MP_Node.add_sibling>`_
+ New pages should generally be saved via the :meth:`~treebeard.mp_tree.MP_Node.add_child`
+ or :meth:`~treebeard.mp_tree.MP_Node.add_sibling`
method of an existing page, which will correctly set the ``path`` and ``depth``
fields on the new page before saving it.