@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ depth: 1
* Add system checks to ensure that `WAGTAIL_DATE_FORMAT`, `WAGTAIL_DATETIME_FORMAT`, `WAGTAIL_TIME_FORMAT` are [correctly configured](wagtail_date_time_formats) (Rohit Sharma, Coen van der Kamp)
* Allow custom permissions with the same prefix as built-in permissions (Sage Abdullah)
* Allow displaying permissions linked to the Admin model's content type (Sage Abdullah)
+ * Add support for Draftail's JavaScript to use chooserUrls provided by entity options & for the Draftail widget to encode lazy URLs/ translations (Elhussein Almasri)
### Bug fixes
@@ -53,6 +54,95 @@ depth: 1
* Optimize queries in dashboard panels (Sage Abdullah)
* Optimize queries in group create/edit view (Sage Abdullah)
* Move modal-workflow.js script usage to base admin template instead of ad-hoc imports (Elhussein Almasri)
+ * Update all Draftail chooserUrls to be passed in via the Entity options instead of using `window.chooserUrls` globals, removing the need for inline scripts (Elhussein Almasri)
## Upgrade considerations
+## Upgrade considerations - changes to undocumented internals
+### Deprecation of `window.chooserUrls` within Draftail choosers
+The undocumented usage of the JavaScript `window.chooserUrls` within Draftail choosers will be removed in a future release.
+The following `chooserUrl` object values will be impacted.
+- `anchorLinkChooser`
+- `documentChooser`
+- `emailLinkChooser`
+- `embedsChooser`
+- `externalLinkChooser`
+- `imageChooser`
+- `pageChooser`
+Overriding these inner values on the global `window.chooserUrls` object will still override their usage in the Draftail choosers for now but this capability will be removed in a future release.
+#### Example
+It's recommended that usage of this global is removed in any customisations or third party packages and instead a custom Draftail Entity be used instead. See example below.
+##### Old
+# .../wagtail_hooks.py
+def editor_js():
+ return format_html(
+ """
+ <script>
+ window.chooserUrls.myCustomChooser = '{0}';
+ </script>
+ """,
+ reverse("myapp_chooser:choose"),
+ )
+##### New
+Remove the `insert_editor_js` hook usage and instead pass the data needed via the Entity's data.
+# .../wagtail_hooks.py
+from django.urls import reverse_lazy
+def register_my_custom_feature(features):
+ # features.register_link_type...
+ features.register_editor_plugin(
+ "draftail",
+ "custom-link",
+ draftail_features.EntityFeature(
+ {
+ "type": "CUSTOM_ITEM",
+ "icon": "doc-full-inverse",
+ "description": gettext_lazy("Item"),
+ "chooserUrls": {
+ # Important: `reverse_lazy` must be used unless the URL path is hard-coded
+ "myChooser": reverse_lazy("myapp_chooser:choose")
+ },
+ },
+ js=["..."],
+ ),
+ )
+#### Overriding existing `chooserUrls` values
+To override existing chooser Entities' `chooserUrls` values, here is an example of an unsupported monkey patch can achieve a similar goal.
+However, it's recommended that a [custom Entity be created](creating_new_draftail_editor_entities) to be registered as a replacement feature for Draftail customisations as per the documentation.
+# .../wagtail_hooks.py
+from django.urls import reverse_lazy
+from wagtail import hooks
+def override_embed_feature_url(features):
+ features.plugins_by_editor["draftail"]["embed"].data["chooserUrls"]["embedsChooser"] = reverse_lazy("my_embeds:chooser")