.handsontable { // Styles for the table cells .htCore { td, th { background-color: theme('backgroundColor.surface-field'); color: theme('colors.text-context'); } } // Styles for the context menu &.htMenu.htContextMenu td { background-color: theme('backgroundColor.surface-menus'); color: theme('colors.text-label-menus-default'); // Styles for hovered (and not disabled) context menu item &.current { background-color: theme('backgroundColor.surface-menu-item-active'); color: theme('colors.text-label-menus-active'); } // Styles for disabled context menu item &.htDisabled, &.htDisabled:hover { // TODO: Define more appropriate colours for disabled context menu items background-color: theme('backgroundColor.surface-button-inactive'); color: theme('colors.text-label-menus-default'); } } } // Styles for the active cell input (when editing a cell) .handsontableInputHolder { .handsontableInput { background-color: theme('backgroundColor.surface-field'); color: theme('colors.text-context'); } }