@use 'sass:math'; @use '../tools' as *; @use '../settings' as *; .footer { @include transition(bottom 0.5s ease 1s); @include row(); margin-top: $mobile-nice-padding; margin-inline-start: $mobile-nice-padding; margin-inline-end: $mobile-nice-padding; z-index: 20; @include media-breakpoint-up(sm) { margin-top: 0; margin-inline-start: calc(#{$desktop-nice-padding} - 0.75em); margin-inline-end: $desktop-nice-padding; width: auto; position: fixed; bottom: 0; } &__emphasise-span-tags span { color: theme('colors.warning.100'); } // Don't apply horizontal margins if nice-padding is applied in the parent .nice-padding & { margin-inline: 0; } } .footer__container { border-radius: theme('borderRadius.sm') theme('borderRadius.sm') 0 0; background: theme('colors.surface-menus'); color: theme('colors.text-button'); transition: transform 1s; padding: theme('spacing.1'); @include media-breakpoint-down(xs) { width: 100%; &:not(:first-child) { border-radius: 0; } } @include media-breakpoint-up(sm) { padding: theme('spacing.[2.5]'); margin-inline-end: 0; &:not(:first-child) { margin-inline-start: calc(-1 * theme('borderRadius.sm')); } } &.footer__container--hidden { transform: translateY(100%); @include media-breakpoint-down(xs) { display: none; } } } .footer__save-warning { font-size: theme('fontSize.14'); height: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: center; p { margin: 0; } @include media-breakpoint-up(sm) { margin-inline-end: theme('spacing[1.5]'); align-items: center; } } // Footer control bar for performing actions on the page .footer .actions { width: 100%; @include media-breakpoint-up(sm) { width: theme('spacing.64'); } &--primary { // Support basic layout support for items added via `extra_footer_actions` align-items: stretch; display: grid; gap: theme('spacing.2'); grid-auto-flow: column; .button { // There are default .button styles that would: // - set height responsively // - add a margin when there is a .button sibling // Unset these styles in favor of a fixed height and the grid gap height: $text-input-height; margin-inline-start: initial; } @include media-breakpoint-up(sm) { min-width: theme('spacing.80'); width: max-content; > *:first-child { // Ensure the first child (the dropdown action usually) is always wide min-width: theme('spacing.56'); } } } } .actions .button { @apply w-leading-none w-inline-flex w-items-center; font-weight: 600; padding: 0 theme('spacing.3'); white-space: initial; .icon { width: theme('spacing.4'); height: theme('spacing.4'); margin-inline-end: theme('spacing.2'); flex-shrink: 0; } } .actions .w-dropdown-button { width: 100%; .w-dropdown .button { font-size: theme('fontSize.14'); font-weight: 500; } > .button { font-size: theme('fontSize.16'); flex-grow: 1; } }