@use '../../tools' as *; $icon-size: theme('spacing.4'); $button-padding: theme('spacing.2'); .w-field__comment-button { $root: &; @include transition(opacity 0.2s ease); position: absolute; color: theme('colors.text-button-outline-default'); background: none; border: 0; padding: theme('spacing.4') $button-padding; inset-inline-end: calc(-1 * ($icon-size + $button-padding * 2)); top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); // Only show the buttons when commenting is enabled. display: none; opacity: 0; .icon { width: $icon-size; height: $icon-size; color: inherit; } .tab-content--comments-enabled & { display: block; } // For devices without hover support, always show when comments are enabled. @media (hover: none) { .tab-content--comments-enabled & { opacity: 1; } } // Hide by default, reveal on hover of parent, for devices supporting hover interaction @media (hover: hover) { .w-field__input:hover > &, .w-field__input:focus-within > &, &:hover, &:focus, &.w-field__comment-button--focused { opacity: 1; } } // Special positioning of comment icons to sit at the top right of these fields textarea ~ &, .w-field--checkbox_select_multiple &, .w-field--admin_tag_widget & { transform: translateY(0); top: 0; } } .w-field__comment-button--add { .icon-comment-add, .icon-comment-add-reversed { display: none; } &:not(:hover) { .icon-comment-add-reversed { display: block; } } &:hover { cursor: pointer; .icon-comment-add { display: block; } } // Hide the "Add comment" button if it’s preceded by a "Reveal comment" button. .w-field__comment-button--reveal + & { display: none; } } .w-field__comment-button--reveal { display: none; .tab-content--comments-enabled & { display: block; } }