@use 'sass:map'; @use 'sass:math'; @use '../../settings' as *; @use './input-base' as *; $select-size: $text-input-height; $chevron-size: 0.375rem; $chevron-offset: math.div($select-size - $chevron-size, 2); @mixin select-arrow() { background-image: linear-gradient( 45deg, transparent 50%, theme('colors.text-label') 33%, theme('colors.text-label') 66%, transparent 66% ), linear-gradient( -45deg, transparent 50%, theme('colors.text-label') 33%, theme('colors.text-label') 66%, transparent 66% ); background-position-y: $chevron-offset, $chevron-offset; background-position-x: calc(100% - $chevron-offset - $chevron-size), calc(100% - $chevron-offset); [dir='rtl'] & { background-position-x: $chevron-offset, calc($chevron-offset + $chevron-size); } background-size: $chevron-size $chevron-size, $chevron-size $chevron-size; background-repeat: no-repeat; } select { @include select-arrow(); @apply w-body-text-large; // Firefox workaround – Set a large line height (but smaller than min height) so the field’s text has enough top padding. line-height: 2.2; min-height: $select-size; padding: 0 theme('spacing.5'); padding-inline-end: $select-size; // Prevent the element from overflowing the container. max-width: 100%; @include input-base(); @media (forced-colors: active) { appearance: auto; } } select[multiple] { background-image: none; min-height: theme('spacing.40'); padding: 0; option { padding: 0 theme('spacing.5'); } }