/* eslint no-restricted-globals: ["error", { "name": "jest", "message": "jest is not available in Storybook." }] */ /** * Test stubs to mirror available global variables in Jest tests * and Storybook, avoid using the jest global as this is not * available in Storybook. * Those variables usually come from the back-end via templates. * See /wagtailadmin/templates/wagtailadmin/admin_base.html. */ global.wagtailConfig = { ADMIN_API: { DOCUMENTS: '/admin/api/main/documents/', IMAGES: '/admin/api/main/images/', PAGES: '/admin/api/main/pages/', EXTRA_CHILDREN_PARAMETERS: '', }, ADMIN_URLS: { PAGES: '/admin/pages/', }, DATE_FORMATTING: { DATE_FORMAT: 'MMM. D, YYYY', SHORT_DATE_FORMAT: 'DD/MM/YYYY', }, WAGTAIL_I18N_ENABLED: true, LOCALES: [ { code: 'en', display_name: 'English', }, { code: 'fr', display_name: 'French', }, ], ACTIVE_LOCALE: 'en', }; const script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'application/json'; script.id = 'wagtail-config'; script.textContent = JSON.stringify({ CSRF_HEADER_NAME: 'x-xsrf-token', CSRF_TOKEN: 'potato', }); document.body.appendChild(script); global.wagtailVersion = '1.6a1'; global.wagtail = {}; /* use dummy content for onload handlers just so that we can verify that we've chosen the right one */ global.IMAGE_CHOOSER_MODAL_ONLOAD_HANDLERS = { type: 'image' }; global.PAGE_CHOOSER_MODAL_ONLOAD_HANDLERS = { type: 'page' }; global.EMBED_CHOOSER_MODAL_ONLOAD_HANDLERS = { type: 'embed' }; global.DOCUMENT_CHOOSER_MODAL_ONLOAD_HANDLERS = { type: 'document' }; class PageChooserModal {} global.PageChooserModal = PageChooserModal; /** Mock window.scrollTo as not provided via JSDom */ window.scrollTo = () => {}; /** Mock console.warn to filter out warnings from React due to Draftail legacy Component API usage. * Draftail/Draft-js is unlikely to support these and the warnings are not useful for unit test output. */ /* eslint-disable no-console */ const consoleWarnOriginal = console.warn; console.warn = function filterWarnings(...args) { /* eslint-enable no-console */ const [warning, component] = args; const legacyReactWarnings = [ 'Warning: componentWillMount has been renamed, and is not recommended for use.', 'Warning: componentWillReceiveProps has been renamed, and is not recommended for use.', 'Warning: componentWillUpdate has been renamed, and is not recommended for use.', ]; const ignoredComponents = ['DraftEditor', 'PluginEditor']; if ( legacyReactWarnings.some((_) => warning.includes(_)) && ignoredComponents.includes(component) ) { return; } consoleWarnOriginal.apply(console, args); };