`, and ``RichTextBlock`` within :doc:`StreamField `) is stored in the database in a format that is similar, but not identical, to HTML. For example, a link to a page might be stored as:
.. code-block:: html
Contact us for more information.
Here, the ``linktype`` attribute identifies a rule that shall be used to rewrite the tag. When rendered on a template through the ``|richtext`` filter (see :ref:`rich-text-filter`), this is converted into valid HTML:
.. code-block:: html
Contact us for more information.
In the case of ``RichTextBlock``, the block's value is a ``RichText`` object which performs this conversion automatically when rendered as a string, so the ``|richtext`` filter is not necessary.
Likewise, an image inside rich text content might be stored as:
.. code-block:: html
which is converted into an ``img`` element when rendered:
.. code-block:: html
Again, the ``embedtype`` attribute identifies a rule that shall be used to rewrite the tag. All tags other than ```` and ```` are left unchanged in the converted HTML.
A number of additional constraints apply to ```` and ```` tags, to allow the conversion to be performed efficiently via string replacement:
* The tag name and attributes must be lower-case
* Attribute values must be quoted with double-quotes
* ``embed`` elements must use XML self-closing tag syntax (i.e. end in ``/>`` instead of a closing ```` tag)
* The only HTML entities permitted in attribute values are ``<``, ``>``, ``&`` and ``"``
The feature registry
Any app within your project can define extensions to Wagtail's rich text handling, such as new ``linktype`` and ``embedtype`` rules. An object known as the *feature registry* serves as a central source of truth about how rich text should behave. This object can be accessed through the :ref:`register_rich_text_features` hook, which is called on startup to gather all definitions relating to rich text:
.. code-block:: python
# my_app/wagtail_hooks.py
from wagtail.core import hooks
def register_my_feature(features):
# add new definitions to 'features' here
.. _rich_text_rewrite_handlers:
Rewrite handlers
Rewrite handlers are classes that know how to translate the content of rich text tags like ```` and ```` into front-end HTML. For example, the ``PageLinkHandler`` class knows how to convert the rich text tag ```` into the HTML tag ````.
Rewrite handlers can also provide other useful information about rich text tags. For example, given an appropriate tag, ``PageLinkHandler`` can be used to extract which page is being referred to. This can be useful for downstream code that may want information about objects being referenced in rich text.
You can create custom rewrite handlers to support your own new ``linktype`` and ``embedtype`` tags. New handlers must be Python classes that inherit from either ``wagtail.core.richtext.LinkHandler`` or ``wagtail.core.richtext.EmbedHandler``. Your new classes should override at least some of the following methods (listed here for ``LinkHandler``, although ``EmbedHandler`` has an identical signature):
.. class:: LinkHandler
.. attribute:: identifier
Required. The ``identifier`` attribute is a string that indicates which rich text tags should be handled by this handler.
For example, ``PageLinkHandler.identifier`` is set to the string ``"page"``, indicating that any rich text tags with ```` should be handled by it.
.. method:: expand_db_attributes(attrs)
Required. The ``expand_db_attributes`` method is expected to take a dictionary of attributes from a database rich text ```` tag (``