Changelog ========= 0.7 (09.10.2014) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added interface for choosing focal point on images * Redesigned and reorganised navigation menu to include a 'Settings' submenu * Added Groups administration area * Added Sites administration area * Added the ability to lock a page to (temporarily) prevent edits to that page * Removed 'content_type' template filter from the project template, as the same thing can be accomplished with self.get_verbose_name|slugify * Page copy operations now also copy the page revision history * Page models now support a 'parent_page_types' property in addition to 'subpage types', to restrict the types of page they can be created under * 'register_snippet' can now be invoked as a decorator * Project template updated to Django 1.7 * 'boost' applied to the title field on searches reduced from 100 to 2 * The 'type' method of PageQuerySet (used to filter the queryset to a specific page type) now includes subclasses of the given page type. * The 'update_index' management command now updates all backends listed in WAGTAILSEARCH_BACKENDS, or a specific one passed on the command line, rather than just the default backend * The 'fill' image resize method now supports an additional parameter defining the closeness of the crop * Added support for invalidating Cloudflare caches * Pages in the explorer can now be ordered by last updated time * Fix: 'wagtail start' command now works on Windows * Fix: The external image URL generator no longer stores generated images in Django's cache * Fix: Elasticsearch backend can now search querysets that have been filtered with an 'in' clause of a non-list type (such as a ValuesListQuerySet) * Fix: Logic around the has_unpublished_changes flag has been fixed, to prevent issues with the 'View draft' button failing to show in some cases * Fix: It is now easier to move pages to the beginning and end of their section * Fix: Image rendering no longer creates erroneous duplicate Rendition records when the focal point is blank. 0.6 (11.09.2014) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added 'wagtail start' command and project template * Added Django 1.7 support * Added {% routablepageurl %} template tag (Tim Heap) * Added RoutablePageMixin (Tim Heap) * MenuItems can now have bundled JavaScript * Added the register_admin_menu_item hook for registering menu items at startup * Added version indicator to the admin interface * Renamed wagtailsearch.indexed to wagtailsearch.index * Added Russian translation * Fix: Page URL generation now returns correct URLs for sites that have the main 'serve' view rooted somewhere other than '/' (Nathan Brizendine) * Fix: Search results in the page chooser now respect the page_type parameter on PageChooserPanel * Fix: Rendition filenames are now prevented from going over 60 chars, even with a large focal_point_key * Fix: Child relations that are defined on a model's superclass (such as the base Page model) are now picked up correctly by the page editing form, page copy operations and the replace_text management command * Fix: (For Django 1.7 support) Do not import South when using Django 1.7 (thenewguy) * Fix: Tags on images and documents are now committed to the search index immediately on saving 0.5 (01.08.2014) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added multiple image uploader * Added support for face and feature detection on images using the OpenCV library * Added RoutablePage model to allow embedding Django-style URL routing within a page * Added image/document/snippet usage stats * Explorer nav now rendered separately and fetched with AJAX when needed * Added decorator syntax for hooks * Replaced lxml dependency with html5lib, to simplify installation * Added page_unpublished signal * Added mechanism to obtain external URLs to images, at any size * Added Copy Page action to the explorer * Fix: Updates to tag fields are now properly committed to the database when publishing directly from the page edit interface 0.4.1 (14.07.2014) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ElasticSearch backend now respects the backward-compatible URLS configuration setting, in addition to HOSTS * Documentation fixes 0.4 (10.07.2014) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ElasticUtils/pyelasticsearch swapped for elasticsearch-py * Python 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 support * Added scheduled publishing * Added support for private (password-protected) pages * Added frontend cache invalidator * Added sitemap generator * Added notification preferences * Added a new way to configure searchable/filterable fields on models * Added 'original' as a resizing rule supported by the 'image' tag * Hallo.js updated to version 1.0.4 * Snippets are now ordered alphabetically * Removed the "More" section from the admin menu * Added pagination to page listings in admin * Support for setting a subpage_types property on page models, to define which page types are allowed as subpages * Added a new datetime picker widget * Added styleguide (mainly for wagtail developers) * Aesthetic improvements to preview experience * 'image' tag now accepts extra keyword arguments to be output as attributes on the img tag * Login screen redirects to dashboard if user is already logged in * Renamed some template tag libraries * Any extra arguments given to serve are now passed through to get_context and get_template * Added an 'attrs' property to image rendition objects to output src, width, height and alt attributes all in one go * Added 'construct_whitelister_element_rules' hook for customising the HTML whitelist used when saving rich text fields * Added 'in_menu' and 'not_in_menu' methods to PageQuerySet * Added 'get_next_siblings' and 'get_prev_siblings' to Page * Added init_new_page signal * Added page_published signal * Added copy method to Page to allow copying of pages * Added ``search`` method to ``PageQuerySet`` * Added ``get_indexed_objects`` allowing developers to customise which objects get added to the search index * Major refactor of Elasticsearch backend * Use ``match`` instead of ``query_string`` queries * Fields are now indexed in Elasticsearch with their correct type * Filter fields are no longer included in '_all' (in Elasticsearch) * Fields with partial matching are now indexed together into '_partials' * Fix: Animated GIFs are now coalesced before resizing * Fix: Wand backend clones images before modifying them * Fix: Admin breadcrumb now positioned correctly on mobile * Fix: Page chooser breadcrumb now updates the chooser modal instead of linking to Explorer * Fix: Embeds - Fixed crash when no HTML field is sent back from the embed provider * Fix: Multiple sites with same hostname but different ports are now allowed * Fix: No longer possible to create multiple sites with is_default_site = True 0.3.1 (03.06.2014) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fix: When constructing dummy requests for pages with no routable URL, fall back on a hostname from ALLOWED_HOSTS and finally 'localhost', to avoid 'Invalid HTTP_HOST header' errors on preview when DEBUG=False. * Fix: Ensure that url_path is populated when previewing a newly created page, to avoid unnecessarily taking the above fallback. * Fix: Deleting an item from an InlinePanel, then generating a validation error on saving, no longer causes the deleted item to confusingly reappear with an error of its own. 0.3 (28.05.2014) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added toolbar to allow logged-in users to add and edit pages from the site front-end * Support for alternative image processing backends such as Wand, via the WAGTAILIMAGES_BACKENDS setting * Added support for generating static sites using django-medusa * Added custom Query set for Pages with some handy methods for querying pages * Added 'wagtailforms' module for creating form pages on a site, and handling form submissions * Editor's guide documentation * Expanded developer documentation * Editor interface now outputs form media CSS / JS, to support custom widgets with assets * Migrations and user management now correctly handle custom AUTH_USER_MODEL settings * Added 'slugurl' template tag to output the URL of a page with a given slug * MultiFieldPanel definitions now accept a 'classname' attribute, including a special classname of 'collapsible' to allow showing / hiding them on click * Added 'insert_editor_css' and 'insert_editor_js' hooks for passing in custom CSS / JS to the editor interface * Made JPEG compression level configurable through the IMAGE_COMPRESSION_QUALITY setting, and increased default to 85 * Added document_served signal which gets fired when a document is downloaded * Added translations for Portuguese Brazil and Traditional Chinese (Taiwan). * Made compatible with Python 2.6 * 'richtext' template filter now wraps output in
, to assist in styling * Embeds now save author_name and provider_name if set by oEmbed provider * Fix: non-ASCII characters in image filenames are now converted into ASCII equivalents rather than becoming all underscores * Fix: paths to fonts and images within CSS are no longer hard-coded to /static/ * Fix: Localization files for the JQuery UI datepicker are stored locally and only imported when a localization is known to be available * Fix: Page slugs are now validated on page edit * Fix: Filter objects are cached to avoid a database hit every time an {% image %} tag is compiled * Fix: Moving or changing a site root page no longer causes URLs for subpages to change to 'None' * Fix: Eliminated raw SQL queries from wagtailcore / wagtailadmin, to ensure cross-database compatibility * Fix: Snippets menu item is hidden for administrators if no snippet types are defined * Fix: 'Upload' tab in image chooser now retains focus if submit action returns a form error. * Fix: Search input now appears on image chooser after form validation error. 0.2 (11.03.2014) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * SQLite support added * Internationalisation of the admin backend * Translations for Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Galician, German, Greek, Polish, Romanian and Spanish. Partial translations for Basque and Mongolian. * Stylesheets ported from Less to Sass, to eliminate dependency on an external CSS compiler * Coffeescript replaced by vanilla Javascript * OEmbed supported as an alternative backend for wagtailembeds, eliminating dependency on Embedly * Database supported as an alternative search backend, eliminating dependency on ElasticSearch * Background tasks now fall back on in-process handling if Celery is not available (also eliminating Redis as a dependency) * Users decoupled from Django default user model, to allow custom user models * Added explicit 'Can access Wagtail admin' permission, rather than treating all logged-in users as Wagtail users * Date fields now work with USE_L10N=True * "Your most recent edits" only shows the latest edit per page * Unified search view configurable in * Support for searching within a subtree * Added initial documentation * Added Ubuntu / Debian installation scripts * Extensive tests and test runner infrastructure * Numerous bugfixes 0.1 (07.02.2014) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Initial release.