# Add search to your site Using the Wagtail `start` command to start your project gives you a built-in search app. This built-in search app provides a simple search functionality for your site. However, you can customize your search template to suit your portfolio site. To customize your search template, go to your `search/templates/search.html` file and modify it as follows: ```html+django {% extends "base.html" %} {% load static wagtailcore_tags %} {% block body_class %}template-searchresults{% endblock %} {% block title %}Search{% endblock %} {% block content %}
You searched{% if search_query %} for “{{ search_query }}”{% endif %}, {{ search_results.paginator.count }} result{{ search_results.paginator.count|pluralize }} found.
{# Replace thePage {{ search_results.number }} of {{ search_results.paginator.num_pages }}, showing {{ search_results|length }} result{{ search_results|pluralize }} out of {{ search_results.paginator.count }}
{% endif %} {% if search_results.has_previous %} Previous {% endif %} {% if search_results.has_next %} Next {% endif %} {% elif search_query %} No results found {% endif %} {% endblock %} ``` Now, let's explain the customizations you made in the preceding template: 1. You used `You searched{% if search_query %} for “{{ search_query }}”{% endif %}, {{ search_results.paginator.count }} result{{ search_results.paginator.count|pluralize }} found.
` to display the search query, the number of results found. You also used it to display the plural form of "result" if more than one search result is found. 2. You replaced the `