support.rst 1.3 KB

  1. Support
  2. -------
  3. Stack Overflow
  4. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  5. `Stack Overflow <>`_ is the best place to find answers to your questions about working with Wagtail - there is an active community of Wagtail users and developers responding to questions there. When posting questions, please read Stack Overflow's advice on `how to ask questions <>`_ and remember to tag your question with "wagtail".
  6. Mailing list
  7. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  8. For topics and discussions that do not fit Stack Overflow's question-and-answer format, there is a Wagtail Support mailing list at ` <>`_.
  9. Issues
  10. ~~~~~~
  11. If you think you've found a bug in Wagtail, or you'd like to suggest a new feature, please check the current list at ` <>`_. If your bug or suggestion isn't there, raise a new issue, providing as much relevant context as possible.
  12. Torchbox
  13. ~~~~~~~~
  14. Finally, if you have a query which isn't relevant for either of the above forums, feel free to contact the Wagtail team at Torchbox directly, on ` <>`_ or `@wagtailcms <>`_.