6.4.md 4.0 KB

Wagtail 6.4 release notes - IN DEVELOPMENT


depth: 1

What's new

Other features

  • Add the ability to apply basic Page QuerySet optimizations to specific() sub-queries using select_related & prefetch_related, see [](../reference/pages/queryset_reference.md) (Andy Babic)
  • Increase DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER_FIELDS in project template (Matt Westcott)

Bug fixes

  • Improve handling of translations for bulk page action confirmation messages (Matt Westcott)
  • Ensure custom rich text feature icons are correctly handled when provided as a list of SVG paths (Temidayo Azeez, Joel William, LB (Ben) Johnston)
  • Ensure manual edits to StreamField values do not throw an error (Stefan Hammer)
  • Fix sub-menus within the main menu cannot be closed on mobile (Bojan Mihelac)
  • Fix animation overflow transition when navigating through subpages in the sidebar page explorer (manu)


  • Move the model reference page from reference/pages to the references section as it covers all Wagtail core models (Srishti Jaiswal)
  • Move the panels reference page from references/pages to the references section as panels are available for any model editing, merge panels API into this page (Srishti Jaiswal)
  • Move the tags documentation to standalone advanced topic for tagging, instead of being inside the reference/pages section (Srishti Jaiswal)
  • Refine the [](adding_reports) page so that common (page/non-page) class references are at the top and the full page only example has correct heading nesting (Alessandro Chitarrini)
  • Add the wagtail start command to the management commands reference page (Damilola Oladele)
  • Refine the [](project_templates_reference) page sections and document common issues encountered when creating custom templates (Damilola Oladele)
  • Refine titles, references and URLS to better align with the documentation style guide, including US spelling (Srishti Jaiswal)
  • Recommend a larger DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER_FIELDS when integrating Wagtail into Django (Matt Westcott)
  • Improve code highlighting and formatting for Python docstrings in core models (Srishti Jaiswal)
  • Update all JavaScript inline scripts & some CSS inline style tags to a CSP compliant approach by using external scripts/styles (Aayushman Singh)
  • Update usage of mark_safe to format_html for any script inclusions, to better avoid XSS issues from example code (Aayushman Singh)
  • Update documentation writing guidelines to encourage better considerations of security, accessibility and good practice when writing code examples (Aayushman Singh, LB (Ben) Johnston)


  • Close open files when reading within utils/setup.py (Ataf Fazledin Ahamed)
  • Avoid redundant ALLOWED_HOSTS check in Site.find_for_request (Jake Howard)
  • Update CloneController to ensure that added/cleared events are not dispatched as cancelable (LB (Ben) Johnston)
  • Remove unused uuid UMD module as all code is now using the NPM module (LB (Ben) Johnston)
  • Clean up JS comments throughout codebase to be aligned to JSDoc where practical (LB (Ben) Johnston)

Upgrade considerations - changes affecting all projects


It's recommended that all projects set the DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER_FIELDS setting to 10000 or higher.

This specifies the maximum number of fields allowed in a form submission, and it is recommended to increase this from Django's default of 1000, as particularly complex page models can exceed this limit within Wagtail's page editor:

# settings.py

Upgrade considerations - deprecation of old functionality

Upgrade considerations - changes affecting Wagtail customizations

Upgrade considerations - changes to undocumented internals