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Using forms in admin views

Django's forms framework can be used within Wagtail admin views just like in any other Django app. However, Wagtail also provides various admin-specific form widgets, such as date/time pickers and choosers for pages, documents, images and snippets. By constructing forms using wagtail.admin.forms.models.WagtailAdminModelForm as the base class instead of django.forms.models.ModelForm, the most appropriate widget will be selected for each model field. For example, given the model and form definition:

from django.db import models

from wagtail.admin.forms.models import WagtailAdminModelForm
from wagtail.images.models import Image

class FeaturedImage(models.Model):
    date = models.DateField()
    image = models.ForeignKey(Image, on_delete=models.CASCADE)

class FeaturedImageForm(WagtailAdminModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = FeaturedImage

the date and image fields on the form will use a date picker and image chooser widget respectively.

Defining admin form widgets

If you have implemented a form widget of your own, you can configure WagtailAdminModelForm to select it for a given model field type. This is done by calling the wagtail.admin.forms.models.register_form_field_override function, typically in an AppConfig.ready method.

.. function:: register_form_field_override(model_field_class, to=None, override=None, exact_class=False)

   Specify a set of options that will override the form field's defaults when ``WagtailAdminModelForm`` encounters a given model field type.

   :param model_field_class: Specifies a model field class, such as ``models.CharField``; the override will take effect on fields that are instances of this class.
   :param to: For ``ForeignKey`` fields, indicates the model that the field must point to for the override to take effect.
   :param override: A dict of keyword arguments to be passed to the form field's ``__init__`` method, such as ``widget``.
   :param exact_class: If true, the override will only take effect for model fields that are of the exact type given by ``model_field_class``, and not a subclass of it.

For example, if the app wagtail.videos implements a Video model and a VideoChooser form widget, the following AppConfig definition will ensure that WagtailAdminModelForm selects VideoChooser as the form widget for any foreign keys pointing to Video:

from django.apps import AppConfig
from django.db.models import ForeignKey

class WagtailVideosAppConfig(AppConfig):
    name = 'wagtail.videos'
    label = 'wagtailvideos'

    def ready(self):
        from wagtail.admin.forms.models import register_form_field_override
        from .models import Video
        from .widgets import VideoChooser
        register_form_field_override(ForeignKey, to=Video, override={'widget': VideoChooser})

Wagtail's edit views for pages, snippets and ModelAdmin use WagtailAdminModelForm as standard, so this change will take effect across the Wagtail admin; a foreign key to Video on a page model will automatically use the VideoChooser widget, with no need to specify this explicitly.


Panels (also known as edit handlers until Wagtail 3.0) are Wagtail's mechanism for specifying the content and layout of a model form without having to write a template. They are used for the editing interface for pages and snippets, as well as the ModelAdmin and site settings contrib modules.

See [](/reference/pages/panels) for the set of panel types provided by Wagtail. All panels inherit from the base class wagtail.admin.panels.Panel. A single panel object (usually ObjectList or TabbedInterface) exists at the top level and is the only one directly accessed by the view code; panels containing child panels inherit from the base class wagtail.admin.panels.PanelGroup and take care of recursively calling methods on their child panels where appropriate.

A view performs the following steps to render a model form through the panels mechanism:

  • The top-level panel object for the model is retrieved. Usually this is done by looking up the model's edit_handler property and falling back on an ObjectList consisting of children given by the model's panels property. However, it may come from elsewhere - for example, the ModelAdmin module allows defining it on the ModelAdmin configuration object.
  • The view calls bind_to_model on the top-level panel, passing the model class, and this returns a clone of the panel with a model property. As part of this process the on_model_bound method is invoked on each child panel, to allow it to perform additional initialisation that requires access to the model (for example, this is where FieldPanel retrieves the model field definition).
  • The view then calls get_form_class on the top-level panel to retrieve a ModelForm subclass that can be used to edit the model. This proceeds as follows: ** Retrieve a base form class from the model's base_form_class property, falling back on wagtail.admin.forms.WagtailAdminModelForm ** Call get_form_options on each child panel - which returns a dictionary of properties including fields and widgets - and merge the results into a single dictionary ** Construct a subclass of the base form class, with the options dict forming the attributes of the inner Meta class.
  • An instance of the form class is created as per a normal Django form view.
  • The view then calls get_bound_panel on the top-level panel, passing instance, form and request as keyword arguments. This returns a BoundPanel object, which follows the template component API. Finally, the BoundPanel object (and its media definition) is rendered onto the template.

New panel types can be defined by subclassing wagtail.admin.panels.Panel - see [](/reference/panel_api).