custom_user_models.md 6.5 KB

Custom user models

This page shows how to configure Wagtail to accommodate a custom user model.

Creating a custom user model

This example uses a custom user model that adds a text field and foreign key field.

The custom user model must at minimum inherit from {class}~django.contrib.auth.models.AbstractBaseUser and {class}~django.contrib.auth.models.PermissionsMixin. In this case, we extend the {class}~django.contrib.auth.models.AbstractUser class and add two fields. The foreign key references another model (not shown).

# myapp/models.py
from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractUser

class User(AbstractUser):
    country = models.CharField(verbose_name='country', max_length=255)
    status = models.ForeignKey(MembershipStatus, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, default=1)

Add the app containing your user model to INSTALLED_APPS - it must be above the 'wagtail.users' line, in order to override Wagtail's built-in templates - and set AUTH_USER_MODEL to reference your model. In this example the app is called myapp and the model is User.

AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'myapp.User'

Creating custom user forms

Now we need to configure Wagtail's user forms to allow the custom fields' values to be updated. Create your custom user 'create' and 'edit' forms in your app:

# myapp/forms.py
from django import forms
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _

from wagtail.users.forms import UserEditForm, UserCreationForm

from myapp.models import MembershipStatus

class CustomUserEditForm(UserEditForm):
    status = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=MembershipStatus.objects, required=True, label=_("Status"))

    # Use ModelForm's automatic form fields generation for the model's `country` field,
    # but use an explicit custom form field for `status`.
    class Meta(UserEditForm.Meta):
        fields = UserEditForm.Meta.fields | {"country", "status"}

class CustomUserCreationForm(UserCreationForm):
    status = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=MembershipStatus.objects, required=True, label=_("Status"))

    # Use ModelForm's automatic form fields generation for the model's `country` field,
    # but use an explicit custom form field for `status`.
    class Meta(UserCreationForm.Meta):
        fields = UserCreationForm.Meta.fields | {"country", "status"}

Extending the create and edit templates

Extend the Wagtail user 'create' and 'edit' templates. These extended templates should be placed in a template directory wagtailusers/users. Using a custom template directory is possible and will be explained later.

Template create.html:

{% extends "wagtailusers/users/create.html" %}

{% block extra_fields %}
    <li>{% include "wagtailadmin/shared/field.html" with field=form.country %}</li>
    <li>{% include "wagtailadmin/shared/field.html" with field=form.status %}</li>
{% endblock extra_fields %}

Template edit.html:

{% extends "wagtailusers/users/edit.html" %}

{% block extra_fields %}
    <li>{% include "wagtailadmin/shared/field.html" with field=form.country %}</li>
    <li>{% include "wagtailadmin/shared/field.html" with field=form.status %}</li>
{% endblock extra_fields %}

The extra_fields block allows fields to be inserted below the last_name field in the default templates. There is a fields block that allows appending fields to the end or beginning of the existing fields or to allow all the fields to be redefined.


Creating a custom UserViewSet

The ability to customize the `UserViewSet` was added.

To make use of the custom forms, create a UserViewSet subclass.

# myapp/viewsets.py
from wagtail.users.views.users import UserViewSet as WagtailUserViewSet

from .forms import CustomUserCreationForm, CustomUserEditForm

class UserViewSet(WagtailUserViewSet):
    def get_form_class(self, for_update=False):
        if for_update:
            return CustomUserEditForm
        return CustomUserCreationForm

Then, configure the wagtail.users application to use the custom viewset, by setting up a custom AppConfig class. Within your project folder (which will be the package containing the top-level settings and urls modules), create apps.py (if it does not exist already) and add:

# myproject/apps.py
from wagtail.users.apps import WagtailUsersAppConfig

class CustomUsersAppConfig(WagtailUsersAppConfig):
    user_viewset = "myapp.viewsets.UserViewSet"

Replace wagtail.users in settings.INSTALLED_APPS with the path to CustomUsersAppConfig.

    # Make sure you have two separate entries for the following:
    "myapp",  # an app that contains the custom user model
    "myproject.apps.CustomUsersAppConfig",  # a custom app config for the wagtail.users app
    # "wagtail.users",  # this should be removed in favour of the custom app config
You can also place the `WagtailUsersAppConfig` subclass inside the same `apps.py` file of your custom user model's app (instead of in a `myproject/apps.py` file), but you need to be careful. Make sure to use two separate config classes instead of turning your existing `AppConfig` subclass into a `WagtailUsersAppConfig` subclass, as that would cause Django to pick up your custom user model as being part of `wagtail.users`. You may also need to set {attr}`~django.apps.AppConfig.default` to `True` in your own app's `AppConfig`, unless you already use a dotted path to the app's `AppConfig` subclass in `INSTALLED_APPS`.

The UserViewSet class is a subclass of {class}~wagtail.admin.viewsets.model.ModelViewSet and thus it supports most of the customizations available for ModelViewSet. For example, you can use a custom directory for the templates by setting {attr}~wagtail.admin.viewsets.model.ModelViewSet.template_prefix:

class UserViewSet(WagtailUserViewSet):
    template_prefix = "myapp/users/"

or customize the create and edit templates specifically:

class UserViewSet(WagtailUserViewSet):
    create_template_name = "myapp/users/create.html"
    edit_template_name = "myapp/users/edit.html"
The [`WAGTAIL_USER_EDIT_FORM`, `WAGTAIL_USER_CREATION_FORM`, and `WAGTAIL_USER_CUSTOM_FIELDS` settings](user_form_settings) have been deprecated in favor of customizing the form classes via `UserViewSet.get_form_class()`.

The group forms and views can be customized in a similar way – see [](customizing_group_views).