12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455 |
- .PHONY: clean-pyc develop lint-server lint-client lint-docs lint format-server format-client format test coverage
- help:
- @echo "clean-pyc - remove Python file artifacts"
- @echo "develop - install development dependencies"
- @echo "lint - check style with black, ruff, sort python with ruff, indent html, and lint frontend css/js"
- @echo "format - enforce a consistent code style across the codebase, sort python files with ruff and fix frontend css/js"
- @echo "test - run tests"
- @echo "coverage - check code coverage"
- clean-pyc:
- find . -name '*.pyc' -exec rm -f {} +
- find . -name '*.pyo' -exec rm -f {} +
- find . -name '*~' -exec rm -f {} +
- develop: clean-pyc
- pip install -e .[testing,docs]
- npm install --no-save && npm run build
- lint-server:
- black --target-version py38 --check --diff .
- ruff check .
- curlylint --parse-only wagtail
- git ls-files '*.html' | xargs djhtml --check
- semgrep --config .semgrep.yml --error .
- lint-client:
- npm run lint:css --silent
- npm run lint:js --silent
- npm run lint:format --silent
- lint-docs:
- doc8 docs
- lint: lint-server lint-client lint-docs
- format-server:
- black --target-version py38 .
- ruff check . --fix
- git ls-files '*.html' | xargs djhtml -i
- format-client:
- npm run format
- npm run fix:js
- format: format-server format-client
- test:
- python runtests.py
- coverage:
- coverage run --source wagtail runtests.py
- coverage report -m
- coverage html
- open coverage_html_report/index.html