An alternate Document
model can be used to add custom behaviour and
additional fields.
You need to complete the following steps in your project to do this:
. This is where you would add additional fields.WAGTAILDOCS_DOCUMENT_MODEL
to the new model.Here's an example:
# models.py
from django.db import models
from wagtail.documents.models import Document, AbstractDocument
class CustomDocument(AbstractDocument):
# Custom field example:
source = models.CharField(
admin_form_fields = Document.admin_form_fields + (
# Add all custom fields names to make them appear in the form:
Then in your settings module:
# Ensure that you replace app_label with the app you placed your custom
# model in.
WAGTAILDOCS_DOCUMENT_MODEL = 'app_label.CustomDocument'
Migrating from the built-in document model:
When changing an existing site to use a custom document model, no documents
will be copied to the new model automatically. Copying old documents to the
new model would need to be done manually with a
{ref}`data migration <django:data-migrations>`.
Templates that reference the built-in document model will continue
to work as before
.. module:: wagtail.documents
.. autofunction:: get_document_model
.. autofunction:: get_document_model_string