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- @use '../../tools' as *;
- /**
- * Field styles reusable across **all** fields, including:
- * Text input, textarea, checkbox, radio, select, etc.
- */
- @mixin input-base() {
- appearance: none;
- border-radius: theme('borderRadius.DEFAULT');
- color: theme('colors.text-context');
- background-color: theme('colors.surface-field');
- border: 1px solid theme('colors.border-field-default');
- @include more-contrast-interactive();
- &:hover {
- border-color: theme('colors.border-field-hover');
- }
- &[disabled],
- &[disabled]:hover {
- color: theme('colors.text-placeholder');
- background-color: theme('colors.surface-field-inactive');
- border-color: theme('colors.border-field-inactive');
- cursor: not-allowed;
- }
- // Only show the error state for the specific field in error.
- .w-field--error > .w-field__input > &,
- // Allow for one wrapper level within StreamField.
- .w-field--error > .w-field__input > * > &,
- // Ideally, individual widgets should show they are in error state with aria-invalid.
- &[aria-invalid='true'] {
- border-color: theme('colors.critical.200');
- }
- &::placeholder {
- color: theme('colors.text-placeholder');
- }
- }