__init__.py 910 B

  1. # PLEASE NOTE: If you edit this file (other than updating the version number), please
  2. # also update scripts/nightly/get_version.py as well as that needs to generate a new
  3. # version of this file from a template for nightly builds
  4. import django
  5. from wagtail.utils.version import get_semver_version, get_version
  6. # major.minor.patch.release.number
  7. # release must be one of alpha, beta, rc, or final
  8. VERSION = (2, 17, 0, "alpha", 0)
  9. __version__ = get_version(VERSION)
  10. # Required for npm package for frontend
  11. __semver__ = get_semver_version(VERSION)
  12. if django.VERSION >= (3, 2):
  13. # The declaration is only needed for older Django versions
  14. pass
  15. else:
  16. default_app_config = "wagtail.apps.WagtailCoreAppConfig"
  17. def setup():
  18. import warnings
  19. from wagtail.utils.deprecation import removed_in_next_version_warning
  20. warnings.simplefilter("default", removed_in_next_version_warning)
  21. setup()