123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445 |
- var path = require('path');
- var srcDir = 'static_src';
- var destDir = 'static';
- var App = function(dir, options) {
- this.dir = dir;
- this.options = options || {};
- this.appName = this.options.appName || path.basename(dir);
- this.sourceFiles = path.join('.', this.dir, srcDir);
- };
- App.prototype = Object.create(null);
- App.prototype.scssIncludePaths = function() {
- return [this.sourceFiles];
- };
- App.prototype.scssSources = function() {
- // Assume that any scss we care about is always within the expected
- // "appname/static_url/appname/scss/" folder.
- // NB: this requires the user to adhere to sass's underscore prefixing
- // to tell the compiler what files are includes.
- return path.join(this.sourceFiles, this.appName, '/scss/**/*.scss')
- };
- // All the Wagtail apps that contain static files
- var apps = [
- new App(path.join('wagtail', 'admin'), {'appName': 'wagtailadmin'}),
- new App(path.join('wagtail', 'documents'), {'appName': 'wagtaildocs'}),
- new App(path.join('wagtail', 'embeds'), {'appName': 'wagtailembeds'}),
- new App(path.join('wagtail', 'images'), {'appName': 'wagtailimages'}),
- new App(path.join('wagtail', 'search'), {'appName': 'wagtailsearch'}),
- new App(path.join('wagtail', 'snippets'), {'appName': 'wagtailsnippets'}),
- new App(path.join('wagtail', 'users'), {'appName': 'wagtailusers'}),
- new App(path.join('wagtail', 'contrib', 'styleguide'), {'appName': 'wagtailstyleguide'}),
- new App(path.join('wagtail', 'contrib', 'settings'), {'appName': 'wagtailsettings'}),
- new App(path.join('wagtail', 'contrib', 'modeladmin'), {'appName': 'wagtailmodeladmin'}),
- new App(path.join('wagtail', 'contrib', 'typed_table_block'), {'appName': 'typed_table_block'}),
- ];
- module.exports = {
- apps: apps,
- srcDir: srcDir,
- destDir: destDir,
- // Determines whether the pipeline is used in production or dev mode.
- isProduction: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production',
- };