As standard, Wagtail organises panels for pages into two tabs: 'Content' and 'Promote'. For snippets Wagtail puts all panels into one page. Depending on the requirements of your site, you may wish to customise this for specific page types or snippets - for example, adding an additional tab for sidebar content. This can be done by specifying an edit_handler
attribute on the page or snippet model. For example:
from wagtail.admin.panels import TabbedInterface, ObjectList
class BlogPage(Page):
# field definitions omitted
content_panels = [
FieldPanel('title', classname="title"),
sidebar_content_panels = [
InlinePanel('related_links', heading="Related links", label="Related link"),
edit_handler = TabbedInterface([
ObjectList(content_panels, heading='Content'),
ObjectList(sidebar_content_panels, heading='Sidebar content'),
ObjectList(Page.promote_panels, heading='Promote'),
Wagtail provides a general-purpose WYSIWYG editor for creating rich text content (HTML) and embedding media such as images, video, and documents. To include this in your models, use the RichTextField
function when defining a model field:
from wagtail.fields import RichTextField
from wagtail.admin.panels import FieldPanel
class BookPage(Page):
body = RichTextField()
content_panels = Page.content_panels + [
inherits from Django's basic TextField
field, so you can pass any field parameters into RichTextField
as if using a normal Django field. Its max_length
will ignore any rich text formatting. This field does not need a special panel and can be defined with FieldPanel
However, template output from RichTextField
is special and needs to be filtered in order to preserve embedded content. See [](rich_text_filter).
By default, the rich text editor provides users with a wide variety of options for text formatting and inserting embedded content such as images. However, we may wish to restrict a rich text field to a more limited set of features - for example:
This can be achieved by passing a features
keyword argument to RichTextField
, with a list of identifiers for the features you wish to allow:
body = RichTextField(features=['h2', 'h3', 'bold', 'italic', 'link'])
The feature identifiers provided on a default Wagtail installation are as follows:
, h3
, h4
- heading elementsbold
, italic
- bold / italic textol
, ul
- ordered / unordered listshr
- horizontal ruleslink
- page, external and email linksdocument-link
- links to documentsimage
- embedded imagesembed
- embedded media (see [](embedded_content))We have a few additional feature identifiers as well. They are not enabled by default, but you can use them in your list of identifiers. These are as follows:
, h5
, h6
- heading elementscode
- inline codesuperscript
, subscript
, strikethrough
- text formattingblockquote
- blockquoteThe process for creating new features is described in the following pages:
You can also provide a setting for naming a group of rich text features. See WAGTAILADMIN_RICH_TEXT_EDITORS.
On loading, Wagtail will search for any app with the file image_formats.py
and execute the contents. This provides a way to customise the formatting options shown to the editor when inserting images in the RichTextField
As an example, add a "thumbnail" format:
# image_formats.py
from wagtail.images.formats import Format, register_image_format
register_image_format(Format('thumbnail', 'Thumbnail', 'richtext-image thumbnail', 'max-120x120'))
To begin, import the Format
class, register_image_format
function, and optionally unregister_image_format
function. To register a new Format
, call the register_image_format
with the Format
object as the argument. The Format
class takes the following constructor arguments:
The unique key used to identify the format. To unregister this format, call unregister_image_format
with this string as the only argument.
The label used in the chooser form when inserting the image into the RichTextField
The string to assign to the class
attribute of the generated <img>
Any class names you provide must have CSS rules matching them written separately, as part of the front end CSS code. Specifying a `classnames` value of `left` will only ensure that class is output in the generated markup, it won't cause the image to align itself left.
The string specification to create the image rendition. For more, see [](image_tag).
To unregister, call unregister_image_format
with the string of the name
of the Format
as the only argument.
Unregistering ``Format`` objects will cause errors viewing or editing pages that reference them.
.. class:: wagtail.admin.forms.WagtailAdminModelForm
.. class:: wagtail.admin.forms.WagtailAdminPageForm
Wagtail automatically generates forms using the panels configured on the model.
By default, this form subclasses WagtailAdminModelForm,
or WagtailAdminPageForm for pages.
A custom base form class can be configured by setting the base_form_class
attribute on any model.
Custom forms for snippets must subclass WagtailAdminModelForm,
and custom forms for pages must subclass WagtailAdminPageForm.
This can be used to add non-model fields to the form, to automatically generate field content, or to add custom validation logic for your models:
from django import forms
from django.db import models
import geocoder # not in Wagtail, for example only - https://geocoder.readthedocs.io/
from wagtail.admin.panels import FieldPanel
from wagtail.admin.forms import WagtailAdminPageForm
from wagtail.models import Page
class EventPageForm(WagtailAdminPageForm):
address = forms.CharField()
def clean(self):
cleaned_data = super().clean()
# Make sure that the event starts before it ends
start_date = cleaned_data['start_date']
end_date = cleaned_data['end_date']
if start_date and end_date and start_date > end_date:
self.add_error('end_date', 'The end date must be after the start date')
return cleaned_data
def save(self, commit=True):
page = super().save(commit=False)
# Update the duration field from the submitted dates
page.duration = (page.end_date - page.start_date).days
# Fetch the location by geocoding the address
page.location = geocoder.arcgis(self.cleaned_data['address'])
if commit:
return page
class EventPage(Page):
start_date = models.DateField()
end_date = models.DateField()
duration = models.IntegerField()
location = models.CharField(max_length=255)
content_panels = [
base_form_class = EventPageForm
Wagtail will generate a new subclass of this form for the model,
adding any fields defined in panels
or content_panels
Any fields already defined on the model will not be overridden by these automatically added fields,
so the form field for a model field can be overridden by adding it to the custom form.