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- {% endblock %}
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- <script src="{{ docsearch_base }}docsearch.min.js"></script>
- <script>
- /**
- * Get version of the currently served docs.
- *
- * PR builds have their version set to the PR ID (for example "6753").
- * If the docs are built for a PR or local development, use the "latest" facet filter.
- * Otherwise, use the facet filter for the current version.
- */
- function getReadTheDocsVersion() {
- const meta = document.querySelector('meta[name="docsearch:version"]');
- const rtd_version = meta ? meta.content : 'latest';
- const version = rtd_version.match(/^(\d+|unknown)$/) ? 'latest' : rtd_version;
- return version;
- }
- function getVersionFacetFilter() {
- return `version:${getReadTheDocsVersion()}`;
- }
- /**
- * Return true (debug: on) for local builds or Read the Docs PR previews.
- *
- * The debug mode allows inspection of the dropdown.
- */
- function getSearchDebugMode() {
- let debug = false
- if (window.READTHEDOCS_DATA === undefined) {
- // When developing locally, the `window.READTHEDOCS_DATA` object does not exist.
- debug = true
- } else {
- // When PR preview on Readthedocs, then the version can be converted into
- // a number. This does not work for the production version identifiers
- // like 'stable', 'latest', 'v2.12', etc. In that case `Number()` is `NaN`.
- const versionNumber = Number(window.READTHEDOCS_DATA.version)
- debug = !isNaN(versionNumber)
- }
- return debug
- }
- function docSearchReady() {
- /**
- * Configure Algolia DocSearch.
- * See https://github.com/wagtail/wagtail/wiki/Documentation-search for index configuration.
- */
- const search = docsearch({
- appId: 'XSYGEO7KMJ',
- apiKey: 'd50a485660ed9280079aada4e09454b2',
- indexName: 'wagtail',
- inputSelector: '#searchbox [name="q"]',
- algoliaOptions: {
- facetFilters: [getVersionFacetFilter()],
- },
- autocompleteOptions: {
- // Do NOT automatically select the first suggestion in the dropdown.
- // https://github.com/algolia/autocomplete/blob/45fa32d008620cf52bf4a90530be338543dfba7f/README.md#global-options
- autoSelect: false
- },
- debug: getSearchDebugMode(),
- })
- // Change page styles when the dropdown is open, to lock scrolling.
- search.autocomplete.on('autocomplete:updated', function (event) {
- const isOpen = event.target.value.trim() !== '';
- document.body.classList.toggle('body--autocomplete-open', isOpen);
- });
- search.autocomplete.on('autocomplete:closed', function (event) {
- document.body.classList.toggle('body--autocomplete-open', false);
- });
- return search
- }
- docSearchReady();
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