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- Third-party tutorials
- ---------------------
- .. warning::
- The following list is a collection of tutorials and development notes from third-party developers.
- Some of the older links may not apply to the latest Wagtail versions.
- * `Wagtail-Multilingual: a simple project to demonstrate how multilingual is implemented <https://github.com/cristovao-alves/Wagtail-Multilingual>`_ (31 January 2017)
- * `Wagtail: 2 Steps for Adding Pages Outside of the CMS <https://www.caktusgroup.com/blog/2016/02/15/wagtail-2-steps-adding-pages-outside-cms/>`_ (15 February 2016)
- * `Adding a Twitter Widget for Wagtail’s new StreamField <https://jossingram.wordpress.com/2015/04/02/adding-a-twitter-widget-for-wagtails-new-streamfield/>`_ (2 April 2015)
- * `Working With Wagtail: Menus <http://www.tivix.com/blog/working-with-wagtail-menus/>`_ (22 January 2015)
- * `Upgrading Wagtail to use Django 1.7 locally using vagrant <https://jossingram.wordpress.com/2014/12/10/upgrading-wagtail-to-use-django-1-7-locally-using-vagrant/>`_ (10 December 2014)
- * `Wagtail redirect page. Can link to page, URL and document <https://gist.github.com/alej0varas/e7e334643ceab6e65744>`_ (24 September 2014)
- * `Outputing JSON for a model with properties and db fields in Wagtail/Django <https://jossingram.wordpress.com/2014/09/24/outputing-json-for-a-model-with-properties-and-db-fields-in-wagtaildjango/>`_ (24 September 2014)
- * `Bi-lingual website using Wagtail CMS <https://jossingram.wordpress.com/2014/09/17/bi-lingual-website-using-wagtail-cms/>`_ (17 September 2014)
- * `Wagtail CMS – Lesser known features <https://jossingram.wordpress.com/2014/09/12/wagtail-cms-lesser-known-features/>`_ (12 September 2014)
- * `Wagtail notes: stateful on/off hallo.js plugins <http://www.coactivate.org/projects/ejucovy/blog/2014/08/09/wagtail-notes-stateful-onoff-hallojs-plugins/>`_ (9 August 2014)
- * `Add some blockquote buttons to Wagtail CMS’ WYSIWYG Editor <https://jossingram.wordpress.com/2014/07/24/add-some-blockquote-buttons-to-wagtail-cms-wysiwyg-editor/>`_ (24 July 2014)
- * `Adding Bread Crumbs to the front end in Wagtail CMS <https://jossingram.wordpress.com/2014/07/01/adding-bread-crumbs-to-the-front-end-in-wagtail-cms/>`_ (1 July 2014)
- * `Extending hallo.js using Wagtail hooks <https://gist.github.com/jeffrey-hearn/502d0914fa4a930f08ac>`_ (9 July 2014)
- * `Wagtail notes: custom tabs per page type <http://www.coactivate.org/projects/ejucovy/blog/2014/05/10/wagtail-notes-custom-tabs-per-page-type/>`_ (10 May 2014)
- * `Wagtail notes: managing redirects as pages <http://www.coactivate.org/projects/ejucovy/blog/2014/05/10/wagtail-notes-managing-redirects-as-pages/>`_ (10 May 2014)
- * `Wagtail notes: dynamic templates per page <http://www.coactivate.org/projects/ejucovy/blog/2014/05/10/wagtail-notes-dynamic-templates-per-page/>`_ (10 May 2014)
- * `Wagtail notes: type-constrained PageChooserPanel <http://www.coactivate.org/projects/ejucovy/blog/2014/05/09/wagtail-notes-type-constrained-pagechooserpanel/>`_ (9 May 2014)
- You can also find more resources from the community on `Awesome Wagtail <https://github.com/springload/awesome-wagtail>`_.
- .. tip::
- We are working on a collection of Wagtail tutorials and best practices. Please tweet `@WagtailCMS <https://twitter.com/WagtailCMS>`_ or `contact us directly <mailto:hello@wagtail.io>`_ to share your Wagtail HOWTOs, development notes or site launches.