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- Edit Page tabs
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- A common feature of the *Edit* pages for all page types is the three tabs at the top of the screen. The first, *Content*, is where you build the content of the page itself.
- The Promote tab
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The second, *Promote*, is where you can set all the 'metadata' (data about data!) for the page. Below is a description of all default fields in the promote tab and what they do.
- * **Slug:** The last part of the web address for the page. E.g. the slug for a blog page called 'The best things on the web' would be the-best-things-on-the-web (``www.example.com/blog/the-best-things-on-the-web``). This is automatically generated from the main page title set in the Content tab. This can be overridden by adding a new slug into the field. Slugs should be entirely lowercase, with words separated by hyphens (-).
- * **Page title:** An optional, search-engine friendly page title. This is the title that appears in the tab of your browser window. It is also the title that would appear in a search engine if the page was returned as part of a set of search results.
- * **Show in menus:** Ticking this box will ensure that the page is included in automatically generated menus on your site. Note: A page will only display in menus if all of its parent pages also have *Show in menus* ticked.
- * **Search description:** This field allows you to add text that will be displayed if the page appears in search results. This is especially useful to distinguish between similarly named pages.
- .. image:: ../../_static/images/screen26.5_promote_tab.png
- .. Note::
- You may see more fields than this in your promote tab. These are just the default fields, but you are free to add other fields to this section as necessary.
- The Settings Tab
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- The *Settings* tab has two fields by default.
- * **Go Live date/time:** Sets the time at which the changes should go live when published. See :ref:`scheduled_publishing` for more details.
- * **Expiry date/time:** Sets the time at which this page should be unpublished.