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- // TODO Move this file to the client/tests/components directory.
- import React from 'react';
- import { expect } from 'chai';
- import { shallow, mount, render } from 'enzyme';
- import '../stubs';
- import {{ name }} from '../../src/components/{{ slug }}/{{ name }}';
- describe('{{ name }}', () => {
- it('exists', () => {
- expect({{ name }}).to.exist;
- });
- it('contains spec with an expectation', () => {
- expect(shallow(<{{ name }} />).contains(<div className="c-{{ slug }}" />)).to.equal(true);
- });
- it('contains spec with an expectation', () => {
- expect(shallow(<{{ name }} />).is('.c-{{ slug }}')).to.equal(true);
- });
- it('contains spec with an expectation', () => {
- expect(mount(<{{ name }} />).find('.c-{{ slug }}').length).to.equal(1);
- });
- });